Thursday, 2 May 2019

Saturday 1st August


Up at 6.50, outside on parade. I went over to the dining hall, cleaned up. Came back 7.10 and had a wash and shave. Cleaned up and went to breakfast. Had porridge, liver and bacon, coffee. Went back to hut. On parade in our collars and shirt sleeves. Dismissed, I went to dining hall and cleaned up. Rambolt helped me so I was done by 10.15.  Charlie Woodford went on leave. It is a lovely morning, real summer weather. The lads are taking their test for A.C.I. on the rifle. 10.30 break. 11 am I cleaned up rec room and sat in the arm chair till twelve., then I went to dinner. Cold beef, potatoes and greens, and prunes and custard. I had a lie down on the bed then I went and swept up dining hall and came back and layed on the bed  with a book which I finished.. All the lads had to work on the roof of the officers mess which did not please them. I had a good rest. It is glorious weather. I went over for a cup of tea and they had haddock cake. I got dressed and departed. I met Doris. She had been early and had got a picnic tea ready for us. We went down the fields and sat in the hunting ground under an oak tree. It was lovely and warm, a bit thundery. We had tea, jam sandwiches and tomatoes, buns that Doris made and some biscuits and dough cake. A nice feast of tea. I enjoyed it very much. Lyn was full of beans. We read about the farm at Saxsted and wished we could have it. I read to Lyn, and my book Ace High. We talked and then packed up. We cleared away and I put Lyn to bed. I read her some nursery rhymes then we sat in the chair. I changed my clothes and had supper.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Letter from Mother and farm near Framlingham -ideal if only it waspossible. Finished 2.30, Lyn asleep, made some cakes for Bill,packed a picnic tea for us, got tea, got Lyn up 4.15. (I did some ironing first) and went up to the top, met Bill, went down the fields and had a lovely picnic. Back 7.45, put Lyn to bed (Bill did), washed up etc, sat in the chair and read together, then went upstairs awhile; supper together then up to the top and now to bed 10.17 pm so G.Night.

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