Monday, 6 May 2019

Sunday 9th August


Awake about 5 then temperature taken. Had a wash and shave. Breakfast porridge, bacon on fried bread, marmalade, then read book A Passage to India. Had a cig. Bed made and read the paper. It is a lovely day. It would have been grand at home. Had a bath and then ** and orderly dressed my place. I had dinner, meat, peas, potatoes, stewed plums, custard. After dinner I read some more of my book, and then Kidlet came. It was nice to see her and she brought me my ** some cream. It was OK. We put jig saw together and then tea. They gave Doris a cup and I had bread, butter, jam and cream cake and bun. I gave Doris my piece of chocolate. Poor old Kidlet, it's lonely for her and it rained when she came so she got a bit wet. I had a nice time with her and she went off after tea. I had a read and a wash. Played cards for a while. It seemed very empty. Had supper,, lemonade, bread and cheese. I read a little more and smoked a little. Went to sleep.


Up 8.30, clocks went back  last night so it was 9.30, lovely lie in! Washed up and did potatoes, washed Lyn's things, then wrote home and to Lyn, then messed about. Had a scrap dinner  and dressed and set off for Yatesbury 1.15. Arrived 2.10 and stayed 'til 4.35. Nice time, talked and did a jig saw. Felt ever so much happier today. Cycled back 5.15, had to get all the tea ready - bitch. Washed up, cleared up etc, ironed Lyn's things, rang up home, Lyn is quite happy. Took Kala loose over the fields. She was very good. Messed about a bit and now to bed 9.05 pm so G. Night.

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