Up at 7.20 then washed, shaved and got report in for sick. I went to breakfast, had porridge, sausage and bacon, then went to MI room. Saw the MO. I told him about my head. He have me 7 days L.D. and asked me which stuff did me the most good. I went to Cp Hill. He said Prichard was wild about it and he said I was a skate and to put me on cleaning the rec room windows. I swept out the fire places of hut 2 and 5 then all round the paths and the drying room. I should have been on Two A but that will have to go. I went to dinner, had meat pie, greens and potatoes and date pudding and custard. I got my ointment out of MI room, menthol and vaseline, then rang up Doris. I told her about it. I went back to hut and read my book then cleaned all the rec room windows and started in the dining hall. Had tea, pie and cake. I ate my cake and took the pie over to the hut. I read a book and then wrote to Doris. I went to supper, had cheese on toast and a lump of cheese, then read a book and had a ring up to Doris, they had been threshing the beans. I went in to the canteen and had a cup of tea then back to the hut to do some more reading. I stuck some flights on a dart, then got ready for bed. I gave Rainbalt the letter to post and then got another book. I washed my bad place and put some ointment on it. Felt cold with the menthol in it. I read till I could not see.
Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Dinner at 12 so finished by 1.30. Did some washing. 3.00 pm, got Lyn up, she played very well in the garden while I altered some knickers for her. Got tea, then took her to see the end of the threshing. She loved it. Jess and Spud got about 30 **. tea, put Lyn to bed, separated, fed pigs, washed up etc, then did all my ironing. Bill rang up dinner time and this evening, he's on 7 days light duties! Just ** to him in bed, now to sleep 10.25. G. N.
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