Sunday, 1 July 2012

Wednesday 1st July


Up at 7.10, got ready for parade. Had breakfast, egg on fried bread, cornflakes. On parade, felt strange, went down village for walk. Detailed to take the guard to armoury to clean guns. Finished by half past eleven and went on Tommy and Sten gun lecture and am on to A. Bought bar of chocolate and had dinner, liver, bacon and stewed apple and custard. Got ready for guard, rang Doris up, she was OK, feeling something to look forward to. Got ready for duty and went on to A. We collected rations and coal. Milway drove us but we had to walk up from the bottom. Had a cup of tea, sewed my epaulette on, tough job and it took a long time. Had corned beef for tea. Flt Prichard came up and the Flt Sergeant. They had a mug of tea. I read while LAC Froad made his planes. We saw someone on the ridge so sent Hartry and Haggerty to see who it was. It was Prichard with a WAAF so he asked Haggerty to take him some tea and sandwiches back so they did. I had a look round and we tossed for shifts. 3-5 mine.


Up usual time and all usual jobs. Not at all nice to be back but not quite so bad as before I think. Bill rang up dinner time. he said things weren't so bad too. Finished about 2.45, did some washing, hung it out then got Lyn up 3.30 and she played in the garden. She was ever so good upstairs all the morning. I sat in the garden and knitted til 5. Washed up etc. Put Lyn to bed then wrote to Mrs Thrower and Mother and Dad, top and tailed a few gooseberries and talked to Mrs S. Laid the supper, drank my milk and now to bed to read. 9.40 so G. Night.

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