Thursday, 12 July 2012

Sunday 12th July


Up at 6.30 and got all kit ready for parade. I had to report sick. I went to breakfast and had cornflakes, egg, bacon. I went to MI Centre and collected book to go over Yatesbury. I got a lift going over with Dann, then I went to the MI Centre, handed in the book and waited for my turn. It was a long while so bought a paper. I was first called at half past ten and he said couldn't I have come another day as he is busy on a standby and better for one. I agreed but unfortunately I had to report sick. I came out and had a cup of tea at the Waafi then walked back. I saw all the lads at their different stations. Went in to see the Orderly Corporal but he was out so I thought I hadn't better poke in anywhere in case I gave the position away. I went to dinner and had beef, greens and pudding and custard. Rang Doris up and told I was coming to see her, then got dressed and by chance blundered in to Prichard who told me I could not go out. The swine wanted his own back because I had to go sick. Well I went and saw ** of *** and he let me go so off I went and met Doris and Lyn. She was pleased to see me and I was her, I cast out the troubles for the moment. She have me an ounce of tobacco and Lyn gave me her sweets. I had tea ans we put Lyn to bed. I read to her, then we sat in the chair and read the *** and talked. I went up the garden to see the tomatoes. They had grown.



Up 8.20 am and Lyn, she dressed herself. Did potatoes and beds then a bit of Lyn's ironing, then sat out in the garden and wrote home and to Ginger. Bill rang up, he was coming! Cleared up and took Lyn to meet Bill, did so 3.30, cam back and sat by the pond in Rodwell til 4.30. Tea, washed up etc, put Lyn to bed, stayed there a while; downstairs and read and talked together in the chair on our own. A happy day, it was lovely to see Bill again. He's off light duties again now. Prichard tried to stop him coming today! Up to the top and now bed 10.45 so G. N.

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