Friday 1 June 2012

Monday 1st June


Up about 7 am, had breakfast, bacon, tomatoes, porridge. Then went on parade. We had square bashing then gun drill and bayonette drill. Had dinner, meat, greens, potatoes and stewed rhubarb and custard. Rang Doris up. She said Jill was queer. Went on parade. Told to get *** on, then told to go over to armoury for lecture on *** gun drill from PO Killpatrick. We had lecture two corporals and three LACs. After that we fired a few rounds, cleaned guns and packed up for tea which was stewed rhubarb and custard and jam. Had to go digging at 5 pm. Packed up at 6.30 to get supper of pie, potatoes. We got cocoa up so had a plate of rhubarb and custard. Started work. I rang Doris up before that. She had been sick. Continued work till 9 pm then had a cup of tea. I bought 25 fags at cheap rate. I made bed and settled down at that with a book till lights out. It was very much  warmer and fine.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. No letters at all. Finished about 2.30, did some washing and boiling. 3.30 got Lyn and Philip up (dirty). Hung mine and Mrs S's washing out, then 4.30 Mrs S brought Jill home, been ill in San all day, doctor came 6.45, probably acidosis!!! Put Lyn to bed then read. Lyn and I went for our usual walk after an early tea plus Kala. Bill rang up dinner time and at 7.00 pm. Standby. Got to dig the whole evening. He sounded pretty cheerful though. I wish we could hear some good news from Barnet. Now to bed to read 9.22 pm, so G. Night.

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