Monday, 18 June 2012

Thursday 18th June


1.30, up on to the post with Doug Bloomfield, then went to call Duffy and he came on. It was chilly so I put the blanket round my shoulders. Came off 3.30 and got to bed. Went on again 7 am and came off 9.15. Had breakfast, cold beef as someone had taken mine. Had a game of darts. Washed, shaved and polished up the goat. Had dinner, meat, greens and pudding and custard. The relieved and got ready to go to Hillmarton, and I cycled over and it started to rain. I met Doris and we went back. I gave her the goat. She was pleased with it and very excited. We got Lyn up and I played with her in the garden while Doris got the tea ready. Then we went up to the shop and Doris gave me some tobacco. We went to the Church and back then home to tea. Had tea, put Lyn to bed. I read her a  story and got a book to read. We also finished off the puzzle. I put some seggs in Lyn's shoes and I did Kala's ear out with the lotion. Doris had a letter from Hilda. Had supper and I cycled back.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Letter from Hilda about a girl in trouble. Finished by 2.30, Lyn in bed so went to meet Bill and did so 2.45. he gave me a most lovely model of a goat made out of ** windscreen - bless him, the darling. Finished our puzzle this afternoon, got Lyn up 4.15, Bill played with her while I got tea. We three went up to the village at 5.00 pm - no chocolate! tea, cleared up, put Lyn to bed, did Kala's ears then wrote to Hilda and gave her my advice. Up to the top and now to bed 10.45 pm. I do love my goat ever so much. G. Night.

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