Thursday, 31 May 2012

Sunday 31st May


4.30 stand to, came off 5.30. Had a cup of tea and a lie down. Could not sleep. Had a wash and breakfast, it was porridge, egg and bacon. Then on the post 8.30 till 10.30. Cleaned all guns and cleaned pits. Came off and had a shave then played darts and went to dinner. had beef, roast potatoes, greens, rhubarb and custard. Came off and had a game of darts. Got bike ready and made bed and packed up bag. Dismissed, changed and biked over to Rodwell. Had a sleep, then got Lyn up, had a walk along the the road. It was very nice out. Came back to tea and then sat in the chair while Doris washed up. After then I put Lyn to bed and read to her. We went up the garden to look at the bees having their *** on and then I mended Lyn's shoes and the pram. Heard the news and had supper. After supper I packed up and cycled back again, getting home again in the light. made things comfortable and got to bed.


Rodwell. Up 8.30 am and got Lyn up the same time. Washed up, did eggs, potatoes and beds then sat outside in the sun and wrote to Mother and dad until dinner time. Bill here by 2.40, finished clearing up then we went to bed as Bill had only had 2 hours sleep. Got up 4.15, got tea and we went for a walk and had a nice time. Had tea and I washed up and cleared up while Bill rested. Put Lyn to bed then went up the garden with Mr S and Bill. Saw the bees, went to the workshop and put eyes in Lyn's shoe, then oiled and mended Lyn's pram. Sat in the chair and heard news, supper. Up to the top with Bill and now to bed 10.37 so G.Night.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Saturday 30th May


Up at 7.30 and got dressed. Put things away and cleaned up. Had breakfast, liver and bacon, cornflakes, then on parade without webbing on rifles. We marched round to armoury and AC2 were taking a trade test. They had rifle fire, then we all had gun drill and firing with twin Lewis. It was cold. Then break, read notice stating that we could have 35 fags a week on Mondays at pre budget price. After break, finished firing and went on foot drill. Had dinner, lamb chops, mint sauce, greens and potatoes, prunes and custard. Rang Doris up. She was pleased I was on duty so I should be seeing her on Sunday. Went in guard 2nd shift 15.00. 16.30 had tea and it was sausages, jam. I also had a plate of prunes left over from dinner. Went back to guard hut. It is bright sunshine now. Had a game of darts then went on 20.30 - 22.30. Had a cup of tea and on 11 post 00.30 till 2.30. Had a sleep and on again.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished by 2.15. Mrs S, Jill and Bridget went to see Tim. I read and messed about til 4 when I got Philip (wet) and Lyn up, played in the garden with them, then got tea for Mr S, the kids and me. Washed up and cleared up then sewed at Lyn's knickers. Bill rang up dinner time. He's on 7 and 11, then he rang up again 7.30, he sounded quite cheerful. How lovely to see him tomorrow. Put Lyn to bed then bathed Philip. Mrs S came home 8.30 and took him over then. Talk and now to bed to have a read 9.10 pm. No letter from home today. Good Night.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Friday 29th May


Up at stand two and generally got about. It hailed first thing and poured with rain. Main cooked breakfast, steak and chips. it was a late meal. Sent the other two down after water and *** I checked up on the guns and cleaned them. it came on to rain hard again. I finished my book and washed up plates and then put a saucepan of water on for shaving and  washing. I felt much better after that. Milway rang up from 1 post. He was pulling my leg about having to stop on camp and do gardening when we came off guard. Knowing how they do things I did not disbelieve it. I was  relieved by Vaughn then we found we had to draw our pay so tried to ring up Doris but could not get through. Drew my pay £2.8.0. and cycled back for my things and cycled over to Rodwell. Doris thought I wasn't coming. We went up to the village and it rained. She gave me an ounce of tobacco. I was pleased. I had my bank book back. We had Devonshire cream for tea, it was nice. Then put Lyn to bed and read our book. The place was off.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Letter  from Mother, they have decided against Woodview as it is too far off the map. Finished about 2.30 and did a bit of sewing on a pair of knickers for Lyn til 3 - went to meet Bill, walked up and down til 4. Got Lyn up, got tea, then Bill came at 4.30. Talked til 5 then went up the village, it rained most of the time. Came back and had tea, cleared up, put Lyn to bed, didn't stay up there a while. Read in the chair and talked all the evening. Time went unmercifully quickly - two more days now til he comes again, oh dear. Up to the top and now 10.30 pm so G. Night.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Thursday 28th May


Up at 6.50 and dressed, shaved, cleaned up buttons, rifle. Went to breakfast 8.10, had liver and bacon, porridge. On parade 9 am and was on 2A post. Went down hanger for drill, then on Lewis drill and TA 10.30 break. 10.50 Vickers stoppages. 12.10 packed up for dinner. Had mutton, greens, potatoes and pudding and custard. Went and rang up Doris. She was quite well but ded up. It seemed a long time since I was there. Went back to hut to get ready for duty and borrowed a book off Arthur Timons and Rolf he gave me a cigarette and I had a piece of chocolate and I bought a bar for Doris. On parade and in the motor collected rations, steak, cheese, lettuce, onions, jam margarine, meat roll, kidneys. Made a nice cup of tea, had lettuce and onions, cheese for tea. Caught a young rat. Had melted toast and cheese for supper and cup of tea. Visited by *** at 2. 3.15 *** again. Had a sleep.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. No letter from home. I think Woodview must be finished, worse luck. Finished about 2.45. Did some washing and hung it out. Got Lyn up 2.15 and told her stories and sewed til 4.20, then got tea and we had ours, and went out, up the front drive and down the back. Lyn played in the garden, I washed up and cleared up, put Lyn to bed, ironed all my washing. mended Lyn's red  frock as best I could. Bill rang up dinner time. he is on 2A at Yatesbury. He seemed fed up. 9.30 an now to bed for a little read, nothing else to do, so G. Night.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Wednesday 27th May


Up at 7 am then shaved, cleaned up, put things away, went to breakfast. Had porridge, bacon and beans, then on parade, Lewes gun lecture on stoppages, then break and bayonette drill and range and fire orders. Went to dinner, had fish cake, peas, potatoes, and rhubarb and custard. Then went to ring up Doris. She was better and wishing I was coming over to see her. I went back to hut, had a nap, then on parade. We had an exercise on drill and cat swinging. 2.40 we had a break, then volunteered with Duffy to fetch some blankets up from the guard room. Came back and cut some grass between the huts. We were told to come out at half past five til half past sex for digging. We had tea, meat roll and a piece of cake. It started to rain so sis not go out to dig. Had supper, pilchards and cheese. After supper, had to go digging. It rained so in the end we packed up. I rang Doris up. She was well, also Lyn, then went to hut 5, got a book and went to bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Very bleak, miserable day. Finished about 2.30. Did my ironing. Got Lyn up 3.15, altered the knickers to Lyn's red and  white frock. Got tea, 3 visitors so messed about til 5.15 then took Lyn and Kala up the front drive and down the back one, then waited til they finished tea and then Lyn and I had ours on our own. Put Lyn to bed plus a cuddle, then washed up and cleared up. Wrote to Mother. Bill rang up at dinner time, he's standby, then he rang again at 8.40. He was late as they had to dig in the rain! Now to bed 9.05 pm, might as well, nothing else to do so Good Night.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Tuesday 26th May


Called up at 6. Put guns on post and then had breakfast, ham and beans, shredded wheat. Gave orders for the guns to be cleaned and then washed, shaved and cleaned out post. Read paper, bought Doris pad and wrote out what I might need for a place. Went to dinner and had minced up meat, roast potatoes and carrots, rice pudding and currant and date pudding. Got ready for guard relief to take over. It started to rain hard, came down in torrents. We waited for the car and then got picked up. I got ready to go out. It was still coming down in torrents. I put overcoat and boots and cape on, then biked out to Rodwell. It rained all the way and I did not get wet. Doris was pleased to see me and I soon put my things away and got into a bath. Lyn came in to bath me. She was pleased. I cleaned up, put clean things on and went down stairs and we talked over our place, then had tea. Swept up, put Lyn to bed and read her a story, then studied price lists. Doris had a pain in her side. Had supper. It's fine.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished about 2.30 and read and watched for Bill until he came at 4.15. Got Lyn up and we bathed Bill, great excitement! Got tea and we all had it together then cleared up and talked a bit, then put Lyn to bed plus 3 Bears. Sat in the big chair and I mended Bill's coat, then we discussed our holding and planned it all out etc. Rotten pain in my side tonight, feeling scruffy. Supper, up to the top with Bill and Kala. Fine now after the rain. So to bed 10.30. Hope there's good news from Mother in the morning. Good Night.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Monday 25th May


Up at 6.50 and shaved, cleaned up and got ready for parade. Had breakfast, sausages and tomatoes, porridge. On parade, did some drill till 9.30, then had gun drill in hut 4 till 10.30. Had break, 10.50 on parade and bayonette drill, 11.35 care and cleaning a rifle, 12.15 dinner. I packed my bag and went to dinner, had mutton, greens, potaotes, rhubarb and custard. Packed and got everything ready to go on 1 post. Read a story then parade in hut 4. PO Masterman taking the parade, said we can keep in guard hut till he rings us. At stand to, took over post from LAC Smith. Read a small book. Rain coming down in torrents. We sat inside and read.I drew and then got a book from B.H.Q. Went to tea, had bacon chips jam and cake. Watercress was there but I did not want any. A ** came on but did not last long. I rang Doris up, she was sorry I could not come. I promised to ring up later on. I went to supper, tinned meat, pickles, sausages. I waited 3/4 hours to ring Doris up. Visited by Orderly Off. PO Masterman and ** P.d. Went to bed in ***.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs but felt very much better. Letter from Mother but no news of Woodview. Mr S washed up so finished by 2.30! Messed about til 3, then curled up in the chair and read til 4.15. Went up to get Lyn up but she wouldn't so laid tea and then got her up. Read til tea time. Bill rang up, he's on 1 at Yatesbury but all right. Looked at xmas cards with Lyn after tea then cleared up etc. Mrs S wiped up! (What a good day!) Put Lyn to bed, then read in the armchair, finished Cherry Tree and read a Bee book. 9.15 Bath, out of it to talk to Bill on the phone then completed it and now to bed 10.15 so G. Night.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Sunday 24th May


Wakened up at 7.30, got up at 8.15, dressed and went to breakfast. Egg, bacon and porridge, then read paper. Got down on the bed and had a sleep. Went to dinner, had meat, beans, potatoes and fruit salad and custard. Went to ring up Doris but could not get through. Tried some time later and found phone was out of order, so went to Rolf and asked him to ring up for me, then went back to hit and finished sketch of Avebury and read through gen book. It was raining at times. Read and generally fed up. I saw Rolf. he did not go out but Goldswain got though for me and I spoke to Doris. She was better and had been out to meet me. She was disappointed. I went back to hut, read a borrowed mag and went to supper, pilchards, cocoa. Tea was pork pies and jam. I made up bed and took rounds out of pouches.


Rodwell. Up 8.20, Lyn dressed herself and we went downstairs together. Did potatoes and beds, then wrote to Hilda and to Mother and Dad, messed away the rest of the morning. Sir Charles and Lady M came to dinner but cleared up by 2.45. Went to meet Bill til 4 but no luck. Got Lyn up, got tea and we had ours then went to meet Bill, no luck. Cleared up and read ***, then 7.15 Bill rang up, he's standby so can't be here til Tuesday - what an awfully long time. Read *** Tree, and now to bed might as well, 9.27, feel better but swollen face. G. Night.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Saturday 23rd May


Up about 7 am and cooked breakfast and made tea. Sausages for breakfast and jam. I washed and shaved and called the others up. At 9.25 watched the *** galloping in the downs. Visited by Orderly Fl Sg. All correct. Cleaned out gun posts and guns. Got everything in order. Sent Turner and Gardiner down for water. Cooked dinner, steak and onions. Washed up and made a cup of tea, then waited for relief. It was late and had to pick up RT and men. Got back and dressed. It started to rain so put overcoat and cape in bag. I had to stop on way to Rodwell to put on my cape. It rained in torrents. Doris had been to meet me. I was late. She had a cold. We had tea and went up to the village. Doris bought me some tobacco. it rained, then we put Lyn to bed. I had a game with her. Read a story to her, then we read *** and the B.G.S. year book. I had a nap and then supper. It was raining hard. Doris felt queer so she did not come out. I  ran into a squall and got a lot wet. Had a bath and put trousers in guard room.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs but feeling very scruffy. Mrs S out and took things easy. Finished about 2.30. Walked up to meet Bill but very wet so came and read Year Books til he came at 3.30. Talk, got Lyn up at 4, got tea and we had ours and then although raining went up to the village. It was a nice walk in spite of the rain. Read *** together, Bill snoozed, then looked at goat photos in the Year Book. Didn't go up to the top as didn't feel well enough. It was  raining like the devil so Bill must have had a dreadful ride. Now 10.30 and to bed, watched Bill go from the bedroom window. G. Night.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Friday 22nd May


Up at 6.50, dressed, shaved, had breakfast. Egg, bacon and All Bran. 9 am on parade. A bit of marching and then a *** of Lewes and Vickers. 10.30 break and continued until until 12. Went to dinner, had stew and apple pie then rang up Doris and could get no reply, so got kit ready to go on 2A. I rang up again, Doris answered, we had quite a long chat and she told me that I had at least £48 in certificates but I cannot remember having all that. I went on parade *** up 2A. I had Turner, Canning, Gardner with me. The station warrant officer and orderly, Flt Sg came up and signed the book. Turner and Canning brought rations up. I read magazine and looked out. We had tea, paloney sausages and jam with fruit pies. Washed up tea things while others fetched coal and water. We tried to catch some young rats. We had a cup of tea and did the stand too. Orderly officer came on 5**. We had a sleep after some more tea.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Letter from home but there is no settlement yet over the land so they will let us know. Bill rang up dinner time. He's on 2A. I told him about the letter also £100 between us at home! Rotten cold so finished 2.45, wrote home and then went to bed til 4.30. Got tea and we had ours and just went up the front drive and down the back, saw the goat, then cleared up and put Lyn to bed, and to bed myself at the same time. 7.15 took three disprin, TCP *** and hope for the best. G. Night.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Thursday 21st May


Up at 7 am, shaved and cleaned up, went to breakfast at 5 past eight. had liver, bacon and All Bran and coffee. On parade in 4 hut  as it  rained all night and is still raining. Went to lecture on Vickers gun and had break. Got a letter from C. Kelly and then bought a 6 1/2 tenner. Went over to Yatesbury and changed boots for a new pair with rubber soles. Came back to post office, banked £8, 5 for Doris and  3 for myself then back to lecture 12.15. Went to dinner, had lamb greens and potatoes with prunes and custard. Rang Doris up. She had no wire. Arranged to ring up at four. Cut some grass round the posts, paid for photos. Got dressed and found they still ran the standby so had tea, pies, jam. Asked Prichard if I could go out with a *** by. It was 8k so rang up Doris. She had no wire. Cycled over to Rodwell. I met them at the pond watching a brood of young wild ducks. We went home, cleared away, put Lyn to bed and read *** and the B.G.S. and then had supper. Bill shut his rabbits up in the mens house. Jess killed them.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Very wet morning but lovely afternoon and evening. Finished 2.45 and did some washing. Started to hang it out but got it all in again as weather uncertain. Got Lyn up, got tea and we had ours then went to meet Bill. he rang up dinner time and again tea time to see if dad had wired. Met Bill and saw ducks and 13 babies on the pond. Put Lyn to bed and then cleared up. Bill brought his photos today - good. Read *** in the chair together this evening. Up to the top and now to bed 10.37 pm and tired so G. Night.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Wednesday 20th May


12..15 am, had a cup of cocoa and a piece of dry toast, then got down for a rest. Woke up at 10 minutes to four to go on the post. I felt very sleepy but awakened up after a while. The bombing practice was going on. Came off at 6 o'clock. Got right into bed and dozed off. Up at 7.50 and went on at 8 am. It was misty. I read my book. Came off at 9 am and went to breakfast. Had All Bran and sausages, bacon, warm tea. Had a wash and shave and asked Rolf about coupons. He said in June we would be allowed three for 6 handkerchiefs as chits had stopped. On the post at 11 am. Finished book. Came off 11.50, went to dinner, had meat, greens, potatoes, baked pudding. Came off 1.30, dressed, cycled over to Rodwell. Doris was indoors. She had heard from Dad about a place we were excited over. It's 18 acres. We talked about it then got Lyn and Philip up, had tea, watered tomatoes and cut grass round greenhouse. Put Lyn to bed and read to her. It started to rain. We read Corduroy and had supper. It stopped  raining. Back at 11.00 pm.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished by 2.30, Mrs S out so had to stay in because of Philip and not meet Bill. Let Lyn's chanting frock down. Bill came 3.00 pm, told him about letter from home about 'Woodview' Great Hallingbury they had found, 18 acres! Bill and I sat in the garden after getting the children up and discussed it. Got tea, we had ours then messed about in the greenhouse til clearing up time. Put Lyn to bed. Rang Dad, he will ** whether we are to go up or not when he hears from the agents. Bill and I read in the chair, Bill snoozed. Up to the top, stopped raining. Now 10.43 pm so G. Night.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Tuesday 19th May


Up at 7 am, went to breakfast, had liver and bacon, All Bran, then on parade and drill marched up to main gate twice. Had break, bought two bottles of ginger beer, then went to Vickers lecture. Had dinner, mutton, greens, potatoes, rice pudding. I was on 7 post so went to ring up Doris but the phone was occupied. Went on guard and went went on first. Came off, had a sleep and a read, then tea which was minced meat and cake and jam. I rang up Doris, she was disappointed that I wasn't coming over. Went on 6 o'clock till 7.30 then went to supper. It was pies and cocoa. I put a pie in pocket to eat later on. I went on 11 post 10 pm and it wasn't too cold. Visited by *** and officer. came off at 12 pm.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished about 2.30 then did my ironing. Bill rang up dinner time, he was on 7 post. Got Lyn up and got tea and we had ours then went up the front  drive and down the back one and saw the goats. Cleared up and put Lyn to bed, then read B.G.S. Year Books. Went to bed at 9.00 pm, had a lovely bath and washed my hair. Sat and dried it in the bedroom and started it off on a course of massage and Silvikrin. Miserable day and long too, without Bill - and so to bed 9.45 pm. Bill will be here tomorrow. G. Night.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Monday 18th May


Up at 6.50 and got my boots and socks off the pipes, then went to breakfast. had All Bran and bacon and tomato, then on parade, drilled till 10.30, then had Vickers lecture after break. Went to dinner, beef, greens, roast potatoes. I had it early as I was going on crash guard. It was cancelled, so I went back and had another dinner. Rang Doris up twice but could not get through. After dinner, had gun drill but played nap in between. I lost ***. Got dressed, had tea, sausages, cake, then biked over to Rodwell  by the tracks coming out at Compton Bassett I was soaked. Doris met me with Lyn. She put my clothes to dry and then we read Country and it stopped raining so I got back dry.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Ivy sent Lyn a lovely nightie case she had made I expect. Jill and bridget home from school as Jill not well. Mrs S went to Calne this morning. Finished about 2.20, did some washing then ironing. Got Lyn up, got tea and we had ours, then went to meet Bill in the pouring rain - came home and got dry, cleared up, put Lyn to bed then read in the chair 'Corduroy'. Bill may come off at 9.00 am soon and be free for the day. Thought Jill had got chicken pox, but alright now. Up to the top with Bill, stopped raining thank heavens. Now 10.33 pm so G. Night.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Sunday 17th May


Up at 7.45, had egg, bacon and All Bran for breakfast. Had to go and clear up round the armoury, then took my tyre off and out a canvas patch inside and a rubber one outside. Then went to dinner, had very nice lamb and beans, roast potatoes and fruit salad and custard. Cleaned up buttons and rifle and finished letter to Mother. Got changed and cycled over to Rodwell. met Doris. it was raining and we did not go out. After tea we put Lyn to bed and then went up the garden to water the plants. Mr Smeaton had already done, so we helped him to shift his chickens. He found he had three more than he had paid for. We went in and did some reading of the goat mags, then had supper. I cycled back to camp. It was wet but I put my socks and shoes on the pipes.


Rodwell. Up 8.15!! Lyn dressed herself and we went down together. Washed up, did potatoes, made beds and then wrote to Mother and Dad, ironed a couple of frocks for Lyn and a vest and read B.G.S. until dinner time. They went to Church this morning but not Jill as she isn't very well. Went and met Bill at three. We sat and talked in kitchen and then looked at snaps of goats til tea with the family. I cleared up and put Lyn to bed, too wet to go for a walk, then went up the garden with Mr S and helped him to move the chicks. Read 'Goats' together in the chair all the evening. Up to the top and now to bed 10.25 pm. Dreadful wet night for Bill.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Saturday 16th May


Up at 2 o'clock. it was raining torrents but cleared up after a bit. We came off at four. The card party was still on. I made a cup of cocoa and got in the bed I had vacated two hours earlier and was soon asleep. I woke up 8.15, had breakfast in bed, sausages and fried bread, then went to relieve my partner at 9 am. It was a lovely morning. I cam off at ten, cleaned my rifle and washed and shaved, then made a cup of tea for all of us. Had a read, the rest played cards. I cooked the dinner, steak and fried bread, it was very nice. We were relieved by the *** at 1.50 so we were pleased and I soon got changed and cycled over to Hillmarton and met Doris and Lyn. We walked back and had tea. I gave Doris her chocolates and then we had a walk over the fields and looked at the ***. We put Lyn to bed and then read a catalogue. I fell asleep and then had supper. I got ready to go and we walked up to the gate. I was back by eleven and I had a bath and a smoke and had a good sleep.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. very long morning. Letter from Mother, Wheathampstead off, house wooden! Finished about 2.45, while I was putting Lyn to bed, Mr Purffet came as one of his goat's ill, bought a bottle of stuff from Mr S. Got Lyn up at 3, went and met Bill. Goit tea and we had ours, then went down the fields. Cleared up and put Lyn to bed, stayed there awhile, then read C.G.* price list together in the armchair and Bill went to sleep. Up to the top and now to bed 10.10 pm nice and early for Bill for a change - G.  Night.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Friday 15th May


Up at 7 am and washed, shaved. No PT parade. Went to breakfast and had liver and bacon, porridge. Went on parade at half past eight in ***. We had to pile up blankets and beds in hut 12-11. I shifted my stuff out of the locker in to the base. Had a drink and then pay parade. Drew £2-6-0 then cleared away straw in palliasses and burnt it. I said I would go on guard and have tomorrow and Sunday off. I had dinner and then got ready for guard - water guard. Rang Doris up and told her and Millway brought me in 1/8 worth of sweets, very good indeed. Up on guard, went on second in the first shift. Watched bomb throwing and then got flags in. After doing my hour, had a cup of tea and warmed sausages, jam. Made some coal bricks and got some wood in. Washed up and put things away then had a read and a sleep. Had a cup of tea. The others were playing cards. Did another turn 9-10 and then had supper, a piece of toast and a meat pie. I made bed and got into it. It was raining hard. I had a good sleep. The cards were still going strong. The orderly officer rang up. I dropped off to sleep.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Mrs S took the children to school so not back til 10.30. Finished by 2..45. Lengthened one of Lyn's frocks and did soem washing and talked to L. Matheson while she was ironing, then did my ironing. Got Lyn up - she went to see the *** with Jill. Got tea and we had ours, then went up front drive and down the back, we saw the goat and kid. Goat wants feeding! Cleared up etc, put Lyn to bed and read B.G.S. all the evening. Bill rang up dinner time, he's on water guard so will be here about 3.30 tomorrow. Nothing else special to say. bed now 9.33 pm so G. Night.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Thursday 14th May


Came off guard at 1.00 am. made some cocoa for myself and Millway. Got into bed, up again at 5 am till 7. Cooked sausages for breakfast then shaved and had a sleep, then wandered down the wood. Had chops for dinner and then went on guard. Saw a grey squirrel. Relieved at 2 pm and rode back to camp. Got dressed. There was only Caflyn in the hut. I cycled over to Rodwell. Doris had been to meet me but I was late, 4 o'clock. I had tea and then we went up to the village to draw Doris's money. She bought me an ounce of tobacco and I gave her the sweets *** gave me. She was very pleased with them. We got back from the village and then washed up and put Lyn to bed. I read her a story then we read the goat magazines and enjoyed a short nap. had supper and biked back to camp. Very empty hut.


Rodwell. Upusual time and all usual jobs but ironed from 11 to 12.30, nice change. Finished by 2.30 so read B.G.S. til 2.50 then went to meet Bill alone. Finally met him 3.50 - been on Water Guard. Their fellows went todat so Bill on all ordinary duties - very lousy and I feel rather depressed. Got Lyn up - first day in summer frock. Got tea, we had ours, then went up to the village, got money and choc. Back and saw Mrs Grainger's goat and kid from the distance. Cleared up, put Lyn to bed, read B.G.S. in the chair. Bill went to sleep! Up to the top and now to bed. 10.30 pm so G. Night.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Wednesday 13th May


Up at 6.50 and no PT parade. I washed and dressed, it was raining still. I changed my boots and socks as they were wet through, also my trousers and coat was soaked. I cleaned my rifle. Went to breakfast, had 2 rashes of bacon and porridge, then went on with my job. I was told I was on water guard so it shook me a bit. Had dinner, meat, parsnips and pudding. Rang up up Doris and told her I was on guard then hurried to get my kit ready. Millway, Farrington, Stevens, Hart were all on duty. I went on with Millway. It wasn't too bad as Alf Rogers was the Cpl. We had salmon for tea at half past six. LAC Rees came up to relieve Alf Rogers. We went down to the party and I saw Claud Kelly. I had a d rink with him and then I saw Flt Lt Fish. He asked me if I would like to go to the Isle of Man. I sat on the forms and listened to the gags and they handed round fags and sandwiches, plenty of beer knocking about. The music was good. Said goodbye to Bert Windle and Claud Kelly, Frank Parry and Jeff Suiter. We collect ourselves. Alf was a bit tight so we went up in the car. It was OK. We went straight on when we got back.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished by 2.00 pm !!! Did a little washing, hung it out, messed about, then got Lyn, got Philip too as Mrs S out. They played about while I tried to alter a frock to fit me. Got tea and we had ours, then Lyn played in the garden with the others and I sat in the rocking chair and waited - in vain - for Bill to ring up. he rang up dinner time that he was on No. 7 and would ring 5.30 but he didn't! Cleared up, darned socks, put Lyn to bed, got my washing in, read B. Goat Year Books. Bill didn't ring. Bath, did my hair and now to bed 9.50 pm. Early! G. Night.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Tuesday 12th May


Misty rain. Up 6.50 and went for a mug of cocoa and then got the men out on parade in two huts. I then went for a wash and shave, cleaned my rifle and am going to breakfast. Had bacon and fried bread, porridge. Went on parade to collect pay book. After parade went back to work. It was very cold. Brooker lit a fire in the Rec room so I had a good  warm. I did not bother to go out for break but had a look at the photos. They are half a crown each. I went to dinner, had beef, parsnips and potatoes, prunes and custard. I went in to Rec room and had a warm and a nap by the fire, then got to work. Went to tea, had sausage rolls, syrup. Cycled ovefr to Rodwell and met Doris. It started to rain. She had heard from Mother but they had not heard from the advert. I swept the dinign room out while Doris washed up and then put Lyn to bed. I read to her and then while Doris was writing I watered the greenhouse. They looked well. I read the Stock Breeder then we made a list of what we might want on our own place. It came to a good lot but we gave the highest limit. Had supper and then back to camp. It rained all the way.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Letter from Mother but no farm news. Did a bit of ironing this afternoon which somehow took until 4, got Lyn up and dispatched her ionto the garden, got tea, we had ours, then went to meet Bill 5.45. Back and cleared up and put Lyn to bed and down again by 7.15. Bill watered the greenhouse while I wrote to Mother and dad. Then sat in the chair together and made a list of all necessities for the holding. Came to a big amount. Up to the top with Bill, miserable wet night. Bill won't be here tomorrow because of the farewell concert.11.00 so G. Night.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Monday 11th May


Up at 6.50, had a mug of cocoa and went on parade. Dismissed, had a wash and shave. I went to breakfast, had bacon, beans and porridge. Started work, noticed that one or two models had gone. Stopped half past ten for break and had a smoke. Went back to work and finished twelve. Had dinner, it was stewed mutton, carrots and potatoes, pudding with sultanas, custard. Came out feeling hungry so bought a packet of crisps. Borrowed 2d off Ken Gerten as I did not take any out with me. Sat on bed for a smoke and read. Went back to work. Brooker *** up the model and I helped him to put the table away. Finished up at 4 o'clock for tea. It was sausages and jam and cream sponge. I cycled over to Rodwell. met Doris and Lyn. Put a chest of drawers in Doris's room and then we washed up and put Lyn to bed. I read to her. We walked up the garden to get the washing in and Mr Smeaton asked me to help him to get the calves in. We had a look at the greenhouse then got the calves in and talking about farming. It was 8.45 when we sat in the chair so we read through an old Smallholder till supper time. Had supper and then got ready to go out. I felt OK. it was 1.15 and I was in 11.00.


Rodwell. Up usual time but curried round and took Bridget and Jill to school then Lyn and Philip to the doctors for their second inoculation. Lyn was pretty good. Back by 9.30, all usual jobs. Finished by 2.30, did some washing, then messed about more or less til 4.00. Got Lyn up, cut a shirt out of an old one, then got tea, had ours and went to meet Bill. Cleared up, put Lyn to bed etc. Went up the garden and got the calves in with Mr S then talked farming with him until 8.45. A little read together then supper. Up to the top with Bill now to bed 10.40 pm so G. Night.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Sunday 10th May


Up at 8.15 and had breakfast, sausage and porridge, then got ready for a photo parade. Cleaned up verything. Took forms down hanger ready for photo. Had photo taken with whole squadron and then with the old boys only. It is a cold and breezy day, very dull. Had photo taken, one whole group then 1940 old boys and the N.C.O. had theirs. Went to dinner and had meat, greens, potatoes and fruit salad and custard. Got ready to go out and choked off one of the lads who was fooling around with his rifle. I cycled over to Rodwell. It was raining. Doris met me and we walked home together. We were disappointed that the weather did not allow our picnic. We sat upstairs, got Lyn up and had tea, then went for a walk but it rained so hard that we came back again, so I washed up and we put Lyn to bed. I read to her and then went down stairs. We sat in the chair and read the goats and journal. I had a short nap, then listened to Winston Churchill's speech. Had supper. It stopped raining till I got to the main road. I t was a happy weekend.


Up 8.30 am and Lyn also completely dressed herself. Did potatoes, beds etc, then wrote to Mother and dad. Finished by 2.30 and w ent up to meet Bill. Went up to bed to rest awhile; got tea 4.35 and we had ours, then started out for a walk but it was so wet we had to come back at the top of the drive. Put Lyn to bed and down by 7.15. Read goat books chiefly all the evening, Bill snoozed part of the time. Listened to Churchill's speech, quite cheerful. Up to the top with Bill, stopped raining, and now to bed 11.00 pm and tired so G. Night.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Saturday 9th May


Woke up 5.30 feeling perished, it is dull and a cold east wind. On PT parade after a nice cup of cocoa, then swept out Rec room. Had a w ash and shave and cleaned up rifle and am going to breakfast. It was porridge, bacon and egg. Went to work and drew out plan for support for roof. Went to Rec room for break, had a smoke, chatted to Turner. He passed his 2 gun and instructors course. Went back to work and finished at 12. Had dinner, meat, carrots and potatoes and apple pudding with custard. Cycled over to Rodwell. Met Doris. Lyn was in bed so we walked over the fields and sat in the sun under a hedge. We talked about our future, then we walked back. I washed the leeks for tea and cleaned Lyn's shoes.We had tea and went for a walk. Doris drew her money at the Post Office. After then we walked round another way and had a look at the goat on the field. We let Kala off for a run. It was a nice walk and we all enjoyed it. I washed up while Doris put Lyn to bed, then we read to her. She was naughty so I packed up and then read about fruit culture with Doris reading about goats. Then had supper and got ready to go back to camp. I was a bit late but will be a lay in Sunday so got back 11.40 and went to bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs, cleared up my room a bit. Finished 2.40 and went up alone to meet Bill, then we went and sat down the fields til 4 and talked. Got Lyn up, Bill and I got tea ready between us, had it and 5.15 went up to the village, had a lovely walk back round Kennaway's and saw his female white goat. Put Lyn to bed, then read in the armchair. Bill fruit trees, me goats! It's been such a happy day today. Up to the top with Bill, laid the breakfast so that I can have a lay in in the morning! Lyn looked so sweet today in her blue silk frock, white shoes and socks and pink cardigan! 11.05 pm so G. Night.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Friday 8th May


Up 6.50, it is cold with an East wind blowing and dull. I went on the first parade for PT then went in Rec room and swept it out. Had a wash, shave and cleaned up. The other boys are going potato planting. It is now 8.15 so must go to breakfast. Had porridge and fish. Flt S Prichard said they were holding a smoking concert on Wednesday night and there will only be 14 men on guard. Went in to the Rec room and started work. The men came in for lectures so I cleared out and went down to main guard and asked Arthur *** how he would fix up the spares so he told me to get some raw bolts. I stopped talking about it and then walked up with him. Bob Barker asked me if I would change vests with him so I will do so, he is going away. Had dinner, mutton, potatoes, greens and bread pudding and custard. Had a read then went and looked for some different houses. Had tea, pie, cake. Went to Rodwell, met Doris and Lyn. I had a game of shops with Lyn, then we walked back. I washed up and put Lyn to bed and read to her, then we read in the chair till supper. I got home 11.10 pm.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Did a bit of Lyn's washing this morning. Finished about 2.45 - did my ironing. Got Lyn up and she played ion the garden. Got tea and we had ours. Went to meet Bill and did so at 6.15. Cleared up, put Lyn to bed then read in the chair together and finished 'Down in the Valley'. Bill's lot go on Thursday so a farewell smoking concert on Wednesday. Up to the top with Bill, back to find Lyn yelling dreadfully. Wanted tin tin but would not let Mrs S give it to her!  She (Lyn) woke me at 7.00 am to hear the cuckoo! Now 10.33 and so to bed - G. Night.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Thursday 7th May


Up 6.40, it is a lovely day. I swept out the room and then shaved and cleaned up. For breakfast had bacon, tomatoes and porridge. Went out to work and did some more layout work. Went to canteen break time and bought an ounce of tobacco 2s 2 1/2d. Bullwork a bit strong so perhaps it will last longer. Had dinner, it was stew, beans and rice pudding. I had two helpings of rice. Came back to hut and sat on the bed, had a sleep then went to work. Went to look at post and in to guard room had a chat with Arthur, then finished off a drawing and had tea. It was spam, jam, corned beef. Dressed and cycled over to Rodwell. Doris was disappointed because she had dressed Lyn up and wanted to meet me with her. I had tea there and then put Lyn to bed, Mr and Mrs Smeaton went to a play. I watered the tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuces. They are looking better. had a talk on kids and farming. I got milk for supper. It was very creamy. I felt sick, so did Doris. I had a tablet and gave Doris some magnesia. I shut the chickens and ducks up and got ready to go back. It was getting late. I got back about 11.20.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished about 2.45, wrote to D. Neal's, then got Lyn up about 3.15 and she played in the garden while I read goat books. About 4.30 got tea and we had ours, got all ready to go out but Bill arrived 5.15!!! Sat outside, I read while Bill had tea with them, then we cleared up etc. Put Lyn to bed then Mr and Mrs went to a play at C. Bassett camp. Bill stayed awhile in the bathroom and bedroom; then shut chicks up, watered the greenhouse. Had milk and cheese and biscuits in the armchair then talked together til 10.15. Up to the top, Mr and Mrs S home and now to bed - 11.00 pm, so G. Night.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Wednesday 6th May


Up 6.50, had a cup of cocoa, went on parade and in to dining hall. Had a wash and shave, had breakfast, porridge, egg, bacon. Started work on more drawings, had a walk out to the canteen at break time. They were charging full price for cigs. It is a lovely morning, it's going to be warm. had dinner, meat, parsnips and potatoes, prunes and custard, then went back to hut. Had a read and a nap and then went down to gun post and posted some letters, went in to guard room and had a chat with Bert Windle. Came back and did some more work and packed up for tea. Had tinned meat, cake. Got dressed and cycled over to Rodwell. Met Doris and Lyn. We sat down on the bank and talked. I told her I had put in for a SOP but don't know if it will go through. Doris said that she had heard from Mum and was excited about getting a place. We had a piece of choc that G. Doughty gave me for Lyn. We walked back and washed up then put Lyn to bed and read to her. I watered the tomatoes and cabbage lettuce plants and then we read our book in the chair. Had supper and talked about planting, then cycled home 11.15.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Mrs S got a strained ankle. Did some washing this afternoon, hung it out, then got Lyn up and Philip 3.15 (Mrs S gone to Mother's Union). Played in the garden, got tea and we had ours, then went to meet Bill. Sat by the road and discussed the 'holding' as I had a letter from Mother this morning but no really special news. Put Lyn to bed, I wrote to Mother while Bill did the watering, then read 'Down in the Valley' and talked. Supper and up to the top, late tonight, hope Bill comes tomorrow as I shall be alone. 11.00 pm so G. Night.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Tuesday 5th May


Fine day. Up 6.40, dressed, made bed and had a mug of cocoa. On parade a bit late. Got rec room tidy and cleaned up my stuff. Went to breakfast, had bacon, liver, porridge. Went on with job and drew out another design. PO Mosterman came in and said he was fortunate in having me stopping at the flying school and talked of another sand  table. He suggested that I take some of the others that would not be missed.I did so, taking 1 Vickers, 1 Lewes, 5 pill boxes and some hay stacks and sheds. I had a smoke and then went on with the job. Had dinner, minced meat and parsnips and potatoes, bread pudding. Took a walk down Yatesbury to look at the cottages for ***. I found nothing satisfactory and chatted with the road man, then went back to camp. had tea cake, sausage roll. Cycled over to Rodwell. met Doris and Lyn. We walled back. Doris and Lyn had a piece of my cake. Helped Mr Smeaton with his cucumbers and put them in, also took 3 wire worms out of one tomato plant. Read the paper, had supper, saw the head of Bills rabbit in the ***. Doubtful about Kala.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished about 2.45 pm. Did some ironing til 3 ish when I got Lyn and Philip up. (Mrs S went to fetch the children) Settled them both in the garden then sat out there and read Scarlet Pimpernel. Got tea and we had ours, then went to meet Bill. He was all right. We cleared up, put Lyn to bed plus story then went up the garden with Mr S, put in 6 cucumbers, watered and it was 9.00 pm. Just messed about till supper time. Up to the top with Bill - oh - Kala ate one of Bill's rabbits!!! Now to bed 11.00 pm. Tired and worried about the rest of the rabbits - so G. Night.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Monday 4th May


Up 6.50, went on parade and in dining hall, then shaved and cooked my last egg. We had bacon and tomato, porridge. I cleaned my rifle and then went on with my drawing. Had a look at the paper break time. Carried on with work, saw Claud kelly, and then worked till dinner time. Had meat, potatoes, beans and stewed rhubarb and custard. Had a sleep, then rang up Doris. She was better but had a head ache. I started work again, guard mounting1.30, so back to old times again. It is very warm today. I had a nap and then went back to work. Was going to measure up post and met Flt Sg Lewis who asked me to go over to Yatesbury and get some paint brushes from the line hut. Went to tea and had  sausages, jam, then had a read and put my cycle bell on and pained front mud guard. Read magazine and going to  supper. Had corned beef, spam and cheese. Went back to hut and read. Mad bed and saw Arthur ***. He had heard from Charlie Whyatt who was doing quite well. Rang Doris up.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Mrs S took Jill to the dentist so alone most of the morning. Finished about 2.30. Wrote to Mum, did quite a bit of washing, got Lyn up 3.45 and hung the washing out. Messed about, got tea and we had ours, then took Lyn and Kala down the fields and played with Lyn. She's been very naughty today, hid the ignition key of the car, awful to-do. Bill rang up dinner time and again tonight. All right but fed up - so am I! Been reading goat books! Now almost 9.00 pm and so to bed. G. Night.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Sunday 3rd May


1.30 came off duty, made bed and got to sleep. Up again 5.20 and on duty. It was cold but had a look of a fine day. It was frosty. Came off 7.30 and went to breakfast. Had egg and bacon, then back to guard hut. 10 am went and had a shave and bath. Felt better. 11 am on duty again. Came off 1 o'clock and had dinner, mutton, roast potatoes, carrots, apricots, custard. Had a read on the bed, it was fine and warm. I studied field craft and guns then had tea, pie and cake. I had some of my butter. 5.40 off duty and I got dressed to go out. Cycled over to Rodwell, met Doris and Lyn, they were waiting for me. Lyn cried because she wanted to wheel the pram. I washed up. Doris had a head ache, she laid down on the bed. Lyn tried her new frocks on, they looked very nice. I showed Mr Smeaton the new bayonet drill. Mother rang up and Ivy about Lyn's coat. We discussed the new place then had supper. Doris felt queer but would come to the gate with me. The planes were bombing.


Rodwell. Up 8.30 and Lyn too. Lyn partly dressed herself. Did beds and potatoes and washed up, and then did my ironing and altered my green frock. Sat outside and sewed til dinner time. Sewed and darned outside til 4 then got Lyn up, got tea and we had ours. Then went to meet Bill. Mother rang up about 7.30, all's well, just to have a chat. Put Lyn to bed. I had a bad head so we laid on the bed til nearly none, and stayed there a while. Bill is not being posted on the 14th. Supper, up to the top. I feel rotten, touch of the sun I reckon. Asked Mrs S if she wants me to stay and she does. Now 10.50 pm so G. Night.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Saturday 2nd May


Up at 6.50, lovely bright morning. I wished I was at home. Went to breakfast, had sausage meat, porridge, then went on with drawing and did some more roof designs. Found I was on guard 11 post, nasty shock so had to lump it. I had dinner, meat, greens, potatoes, bread pudding with figs in. Went back to hut, rang up Doris, she was disappointed. I had a good clear up of stuff. mended my pump and oiled cycle, and then had a read and a short nap. Went to tea, tinned herrings and jam. Got ready for guard. On guard, went on first shift. Came off half past seven and went to supper. Had chicken ham roll and corned beef, potatoes and cocoa. Went to get blankets and ring up Doris. Rang up Doris. She was fed up and going to bed early. I told her what time to expect me and went back to guard hut. Made bed and had a read and  asleep after. Then on the most lovely night but better in bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished about 2.30. Bill rang up dinner time, he was going on 11 post at 5.30 - was I disappointed. I felt miserable and like a fish out of water. Completely wasted the afternoon. 4 - got Lyn up, got tea and we had ours then took Lyn and Kala round the fields - but very lonely. Cleared up, laid supper and breakfast, read B.G.S. Year Books, and now to bed only 9.30 pm! Had 3 frocks on appro for Lyn today - like them all! Bill rang up at 8.30, nice to hear him. So to bed - G. Night.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Friday 1st May


Not quite so cold, very bright and up by 6.50. I shaved, had a cup of cocoa and then made bed, cleaned things away and got ready for breakfast. had fried egg and two rashes, coffee, porridge. Went back to work and *** some lines for a roof. Had a smoke at break time. Did not bother to go in canteen. Gave one of the lads some *** for their models. Finished up work to go to dinner. Had stew and sago, not very thrilling. I went on with work till tea time. Had tea, chicken and ham roll, very dry and the cake was dry. They gave us some pickle after I had eaten onion. I got dressed and cycled over to Rodwell. Saw a brood of wild ducks. Gave *** his Players. Met Doris up the drive with Lyn. She had put some calved in the yard. I met a waaf of and I pumped her tyres up. Lost my washer, tried to make another. Read to Lyn and then read a book in the chair. Went up the garden to look at Mr Smeaton's tomatoes. A wire worm had eaten two off so transplanted. I said I would dig a  celery trench for him if he got the plants. Had supper, boiled egg and then departed. It was a lovely night but frosty. Moon was just rising. Got back 11.25.


Rodwell. Up usual time, all usual jobs till 11, then all the family departed to *** to take Pat. Messed about, Lyn was very good and played in the garden all the afternoon, then snoozed and generally messed about til 3.15 then had a bath. Got Lyn up, got tea and we had ours. Couldn't go to meet Bill because of leaving Jill and Bridget alone. Had to see some calves in for Mr S. 12 spay ***!!! Bill came 6.30, mended his pump then read to Lyn while I cleared up, then both cuddled her. Bill and I read in the chair. Up to the top, now to bed 11.08pm and very tired. G. Night.