Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Friday 17th April


Pay, drew £3.0.0. Up at 6.45, shaved and prepared my tools for day's work. Went to breakfast, had fried egg on fried bread and corn flakes. Went to work after having another go at my rifle. it is still bad on the fore end of the barrell. Went to work and painted bridge and trees. After then I went to get some fags but they were budget price today so I left them and bought a packet of  crisps. Carried on with work and then went to dinner. Had meat, greens, potatoes and pudding with custard. After dinner I had a nap and then went on with job. George Doughty brought his plane in for me to paint. I painted it in *** and it looked very nice. Brooker had asked me to put his number and initials on his case but I had to leave that. Had tea and cycled over to Rodwell. Met Doris and Lyn. We walked back together. Put Lyn to bed and had a look at the lambs, then read my book, Strawberry Roan. After then we had supper, it was a lovely night and I was back by 11.20.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Finished about 3, then did a bit of my ironing, then had another go at Kala's coat til about 4.10. Got Lyn up, got tea and we had ours, then  we went to meet Bill. Didn't get as far as the ducks today. No letter from home today again. Sat up in the bedroom till 6.30 then washed up and put Lyn to bed plus story. Went to see an ewe which had just had triplets and talked a bit with Mr. S, then read 'S.R.; together in the chair. Up to the top with Bill and Kala and so to bed. Guns going tonight, raid on somewhere I expect. 10.35pm and so G. Night.

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