Saturday, 7 April 2012

Tuesday 7th April


Woke up feeling better but did not report sick and stopped in bed till 7.45 then got up and washed and shaved, feeling a bit groggy. Went to breakfast but could only eat a little cornflakes and ate some beans, but could not tackle the bacon. Went on with my job. Rang Doris up, she was pleased I was better. I shall not be seeing her today. made a bridge and went to dinner. Had beef, potatoes and pudding with syrup. Went to ring up Doris but number was engaged, so went back to hut, laid on bed, fell asleep so did not wake till past two, so left phone till tonight. Went back to work, finished the bridge and *** and started on Lewis gun.Went to tea but could not eat fish cake, just ate a small piece of cake and two cups of tea. I had a wash and went back to hut.


Rodwell. Up 8.15 - don't know why! - all usual jobs. Bill rang up before breakfast. He was a little better, I felt so relieved. He didn't ring up dinner time but at 7.15 tonight. He went to sleep dinner time and I was worrying!!! He felt much better but was off to bed. Finished by 2.45 and did all my ironing, got Lyn up 4.30 and read Nursery Rhymes til tea time. Washed up and put her to bed then wrote to Mum (I had a letter today). Miss Hall (about 2 kids) and J. Shields. Had another go at Kala's coat, laid the supper and now to bed 9.40 to read a little while. I am so very, very thankful that Bill is better.

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