Friday 6 April 2012

Monday 6th April


Up about 6.45 and not feeling none too good. Sausages and porridge. Went on PT, glad to get back. After then I went on with the job. I felt queer so rang Doris up and told her I would not be able to come over as I felt too ill. Struggled on with the job. I could not eat any dinner or feel like it. I worked in the afternoon till three then made bed and packed up. Rang Doris and said I would ring up in the morning. I took some aspirins and felt very hot and  feverish. I had a little cocoa that one of the men brought over, then got down again. Woke up once or twice but finally got a * night's sleep.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Nanie went at dinner time - good. Did all my washing this afternoon and hung it out to dry. Bill rang up at dinner time, not too well, swimming head etc. so not coming. Rang up again at 4.30, worse and just off to bed, I do so hope he will feel better tomorrow. I don't mind him not coming but can't bear him ill. Wasted the evening, reading chiefly. 9 pm bath, washed my hair and now in bed 10.57 and full of thoughts of Bill. God bless him. G. Night.

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