Saw my first nest, blackbird - 3 eggs in. Up at 7 then shaved, had breakfast. Saw Flt Sg Prickard. He wanted to see me over at Yatesbury to draw a ** grenade on the board. He was drilling goons on the sqaure. Spoke to Sqd Ldr Fish. Waited a long while, then fetched board and easel. Drew grenade and saw Kelly. had a yarn with him. Went to post office and put three pounds in. Cycled back, had dinner, it was meat, swedes, potatoes, and rice pudding. Got ready to go out. Wrote a letter to Barnet and had a ginger beer and bought Doris a packet of ***. Cycled to Rodwell. Doris met me. We talked for some while, then we had tea and w ent up to the village, and then walked back. I put Lyn up and wiped up, helped Mr Smeaton to put a fence up, then sat down with Doris to look at some books. Had supper, home cured ham and brawn.
Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs but I wrote to dad all about the farm!!! Finished by 2.30 and went up the top gate to meet Bill, he came at 2.55. All except about 60 are to leave the B.F.S. for Ascot, so I feel much happier for therefore I don't really mind if Bill goes or stays. Early tea alone, and we went up to the shop, bought some china for Mother's birthday. Put Lyn to bed and story, then Bill helped Mr S all the evening to put up 'Philip traps' in the garden - I read. Supper - ham and brawn, up to the top plus Kala, and now to bed 10.37 pm. So G. Night.
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