Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Saturday 25th April


Up at 6.45, had a shave and then cleaned up and went to breakfast and had cornflakes and egg and bacon. Got ready for kit inspection, all things out and waiting for the check up. Brooker said I wasn't going away on the ***. He helped me to lay my kit out. Waited for the check up but it never came off so we put all our kit away and the others drew their pay books. I had a good clear out in my locker. Brooker came in with names he had taken of various men to be posted. Mine wasn't on it so it looks as though I might stop on. I packed up my things and went to dinner, mutton, greens, spuds and sago. I got dressed and cycled over to Hillmarton. Doris was surprised to see me. We had tea and went up to the village. Doris bought me an oz of tobacco as it was my birthday. We took a ball up and played with Lyn. After tea we washed up and put Lyn to bed, then read a new book. Mrs Smeaton had a large sheep skin in and I did some scraping. Had supper, tried some of the lambs testicles Mr Smeaton had cooked. I found they tasted alright but it isn't a fancy dish. I had hot sausage rolls and then got my clean things and then biked home. There was a raid on and it was very cold.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usualjobs. Mother sent some nightie stuff for Lyn. Finished about 2.15, did a little ironing. Bill came at three, they were all out at pictures. Sat and talked in the dining room til 4, got Phil up (dirty) while Bill got Lyn. Turned them in to the garden while I got tea, we had ours, the others came back and we went up to the village and back. Talked etc, and 7.30 before we took Lyn up, looked at old photos of Lyn instead of a story. Read in the chair for the rest of the evening with Bill. Mr S had lambs testicles for supper. Up to the top and now to bed 10.55 pm.

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