Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Friday 27th March


Up about 20 to nine. Doris had a card from Mrs Thrower saying her nan had two kids, a nanny and Billy. That started Doris off on goats again. She would like a kid to rear. I got downstairs 9 am and read the Press. Had scrambled egg and *** on toast and porridge. Enjoyed it very much. After then, changed my socks and got Lyn's coat for her. Went down the town with Mum and Lyn and I bought a bell and grips and some valve rubber. I carried some stuff she bought, some fish fins for the cats, 11d a lb, what a price things are now, savoys 1s 1d each. Came back and had dinner. After dinner I had a rest in the chair till about four then Doris and I went for a walk over old Manor grounds. We saw a grey squirrel and then walked over the fields, saw some  frog spawn and then went back by Hadley Woods back by the golf course. Had tea. After tea I played draughts with Dad, he won four, I won one and a draw. We had supper and Doris got ready for the morning and we went to bed early. Put the alarm for half past five. Goodnight.


Barnet. Up about 10 am. After breakfast and we had washed up I prepared and cooked the dinner while Lyn, Mum and Bill went shopping down the town. We sat down after dinner and I finished my book by 3.30. Anne was here till six. Jean took Lyn to meet Ivy. Bill and I walked through the woods. Finished Lyn;s frock this evening and did odd jobs for tomorrow. *** and Dilys came in for a few moments. Packed up the *** for tomorrow. To bed now 10.15pm. G. Night.

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