Saturday, 10 March 2012

Tuesday 10th March


Up about 5.50, got dressed and went down to get guns. Got in guard room 6.15, a bit early as we were not on till 6.43 so we stopped a little while. Then on the post, cam off at 7.43 and went to breakfast. had porridge and faggots, then back to the post, on from 8.43 till ten twenty. All guns had been cleaned so I swept out post and cleaned all stuff from outside, so made it all tidy, and burned rubbish. Came off 10.20 and went for a shave and wash. Took my blankets back, cleaned up my buttons and felt very much better. After then I went to G. Room and did some reading, then over to dinner. It was mutton and carrots, potatoes, bread pudding and custard. Dismissed Guard. Cycled over to Rodwell. I was there by 2.45. Doris was pleased. I sat in the chair, we discussed goats, then got Lyn up. had tea and went up to the Post office. Doris bought some marzipan and we ate some of it. Lyn pushed her pram. We got in and washed up, and then put Lyn to bed. I read her new story book to her. Then sat by fire, finished Farmer's Glory and had a sleep from 9 till 10, then supper, pilchards on toast. Biked camp 11.30.


Rodwell.  Up usual time and all usual jobs. Lyn not quite so defiant today. Finished by 2.30, just sat down for a few minutes when Bill arrived 2.45. Quite ok. We sat and talked in the dining room till nearly four, then I got Lyn up and Bill played and read to her while I got tea. We had our tea on our own 4.15 then went up the shop, got stamps etc. Put Lyn to bed, Bill read her new book to her. Round the fire all the evening, Bill finished Farmer's Glory, then slept. I knitted and read. Up to the top gate and now to bed 10.45pm.

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