Monday, 28 May 2012

Thursday 28th May


Up at 6.50 and dressed, shaved, cleaned up buttons, rifle. Went to breakfast 8.10, had liver and bacon, porridge. On parade 9 am and was on 2A post. Went down hanger for drill, then on Lewis drill and TA 10.30 break. 10.50 Vickers stoppages. 12.10 packed up for dinner. Had mutton, greens, potatoes and pudding and custard. Went and rang up Doris. She was quite well but ded up. It seemed a long time since I was there. Went back to hut to get ready for duty and borrowed a book off Arthur Timons and Rolf he gave me a cigarette and I had a piece of chocolate and I bought a bar for Doris. On parade and in the motor collected rations, steak, cheese, lettuce, onions, jam margarine, meat roll, kidneys. Made a nice cup of tea, had lettuce and onions, cheese for tea. Caught a young rat. Had melted toast and cheese for supper and cup of tea. Visited by *** at 2. 3.15 *** again. Had a sleep.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. No letter from home. I think Woodview must be finished, worse luck. Finished about 2.45. Did some washing and hung it out. Got Lyn up 2.15 and told her stories and sewed til 4.20, then got tea and we had ours, and went out, up the front drive and down the back. Lyn played in the garden, I washed up and cleared up, put Lyn to bed, ironed all my washing. mended Lyn's red  frock as best I could. Bill rang up dinner time. he is on 2A at Yatesbury. He seemed fed up. 9.30 an now to bed for a little read, nothing else to do, so G. Night.

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