Sunday, 27 May 2012

Wednesday 27th May


Up at 7 am then shaved, cleaned up, put things away, went to breakfast. Had porridge, bacon and beans, then on parade, Lewes gun lecture on stoppages, then break and bayonette drill and range and fire orders. Went to dinner, had fish cake, peas, potatoes, and rhubarb and custard. Then went to ring up Doris. She was better and wishing I was coming over to see her. I went back to hut, had a nap, then on parade. We had an exercise on drill and cat swinging. 2.40 we had a break, then volunteered with Duffy to fetch some blankets up from the guard room. Came back and cut some grass between the huts. We were told to come out at half past five til half past sex for digging. We had tea, meat roll and a piece of cake. It started to rain so sis not go out to dig. Had supper, pilchards and cheese. After supper, had to go digging. It rained so in the end we packed up. I rang Doris up. She was well, also Lyn, then went to hut 5, got a book and went to bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Very bleak, miserable day. Finished about 2.30. Did my ironing. Got Lyn up 3.15, altered the knickers to Lyn's red and  white frock. Got tea, 3 visitors so messed about til 5.15 then took Lyn and Kala up the front drive and down the back one, then waited til they finished tea and then Lyn and I had ours on our own. Put Lyn to bed plus a cuddle, then washed up and cleared up. Wrote to Mother. Bill rang up at dinner time, he's standby, then he rang again at 8.40. He was late as they had to dig in the rain! Now to bed 9.05 pm, might as well, nothing else to do so Good Night.

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