Monday, 27 February 2012

Friday 27th February


Up about 7.15, had breakfast, porridge and  sausage and beans. Started making a barn and painted in roofs on houses. Helped Bill Gates with his models. made a gable ended Barn then went to dinner. had meat, swedes and potatoes and*** pudding. The pudding tasted funny and unsweetened. Started work on some more models. It was much warmer and my feet and hands had thawed a bit. I carried on till 4 then got ready to go out. Doris and Lyn met me. She had a doll and very pleased with it. I gave her a ride on the bike. we had tea and washed up, put Lyn to bed and then read her some stories out of her book. I went down and sat by the fire reading. Had supper and got ready to go out. Cycled back. Put new battery in rear light and changed the one in the front. Got back about 11.10 and sat by fire with Furnen having a smoke. I gave him some bread for toast. Got in bed and goodnight.


Anne's Birthday. Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. No post. Finished by 2.15 and sewed up Lyn's jumper and tried it on her when I got her up at 3.15 - very, very pleased with it. Bill C. got the sack today for throwing a clod at Percy and cutting his mouth. Got tea and then took Lyn to meet Bill. She took her doll. Put Lyn to bed and Bill read nursery rhymes, then Bill and I round the fire together. Bill read and I started to make a top for Lyn's skirt. Bill's remustering form has gone through to seconds. Up to the top with Bill, still a bit disappointed. bed now 10.50 pm.

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