Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Saturday 28th February


Up about 6.45, had breakfast and it was bacon, porridge, coffee. I started work, painted some barns and cleaned up. Had a nasty shock, I was put in charge of one post Yates. It shook me somewhat as I had planned to go out. Well, it cannot be helped. I cleaned up rifle and over hauled kit. Went to dinner and had meat, raw in places and onions and potatoes, sultana pudding with custard. Rang Doris up and told her I won't be coming. it shook her a bit as well. I got ready and on parade marched to C Flt and dismissed, took over from Kelly and checked on equipment. Found all correct and read a yarn on *** and brought this diary up to date. Had tea, it was a mixture of butter and cheese and jam and cake. Then went over to post office. They were closed till quarter to five, so went back to gun post and told Gates to go to tea. Saw Bob ***, he had just come off water guard. Went back to the post and did the stand to, then went to supper. I helped myself to *** on fried bread and some cake.I saw Stan *** and chatted with him. he was going to live out and was in the dental surgery. Very cold over ***. No fire.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs, chiefly my own room. Tim came home for the day about 11. Bill rang up 12.40 - on No. 1 post Yatesbury. Was I disappointed, like a pricked balloon - very flat day indeed. Knitted after dinner. Got Lyn up after three and took her round the fields, then she played out in the garden until tea time with the others. Tim and Mrs S went at 5. Jill put Phil to bed, but very troublesome. Bridgit bathed Lyn. I cut her hair. Finished Lyn's bodice for her skirt but oh I have missed Bill so very very much. Bed now 10.00 pm, hour earlier.

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