Thursday, 16 February 2012

Monday 16th February


Got up 7.40, dressed and shaved. Went to breakfast, had porridge with coffee, then got ready for work. Cut out a *** gun trypod and houses. Put gable on one. Made a hay stack. It was cold and frosty. Went to dinner, minced up meat and *** pudding with custard. After dinner, had a go at my lighter - wheel was clogged up. Did some more work on my houses, painted the roofs red and blacked in for tiles. It looked ok, I felt very pleased with them. Worked till 4 then went to tea, pilchards and jam. After that I made my bed. Was going out by 5 but stand by had started so save any bother I stopped in, much to my regret. Went to the lecture and took gun to bits. Then to supper and then had cheese on toast with a lump of cheese. I had two helpings. Came back to hut and met Fa**, he said he would play a game of draughts. Then I had a warm by fire. Rang up Doris. She had been down the road to meet me. Lyn was anxious about her sweet, she thought I might eat it. Went back and got to bed early. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Nearly three before finished then did some of Lyn's washing. Got Philip up, then Lyn - did some knitting first. Dressed myself, hot the tea, and got Lyn and I both ready to go out by 4.45, but Mrs S not back till 5.10 pm. Then we went to meet Bill, stayed out till six, Lyn thoroughly enjoyed herself but he didn't come. Put her to bed and then knitted, finished 1 half of Lyn's skirt. Bill rang up, he was quite alright but stayed in as a stand by. Going to get his medical' and education officer's signatures tomorrow for remuster. So glad he's all right, I was worried. Bed now 10.40 pm.

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