Up about 6.45 then breakfast. Hard boiled egg and porridge, coffee. Painted a few models then over to the education officer to get him to sign my papers. It was done and I came back again about eleven, then did some more modelling. Had dinner, meat, swede and currant pudding. I rang Doris up, she was ok. In the afternoon I did some painting and then got ready to go out. I met Doris, she said third time lucky. I showed her some of my models, she was pleased. We walked back, Lyn walking on the grass bank. She looked very sweet in her woolen hood and cape. We had tea and put Lyn to bed. I read her some stories and then went into the dining room and made a good fire. I read some stories out of Not at Night, a bit gruesome. After that we had supper. I had a pint of cold milk. It was refreshing. The weather is cold and frosty, freezing practically all day. I got back about half past eleven, sat by fire and had a warm. Good night.
Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Mrs Slade is not coming any more. Bill rang up at dinner time, he'd passed his education exam - no questions asked at all!!! Did my washing this afternoon, then got Lyn up, did a few rows of knitting, then got tea and Lyn and I went to meet Bill - did so. he brought an *** and house to show me that he had made - perfect. Bill read Lyn 3 Little Pigs. Sat round the fire together. Bill read, I knitted, quite happy. Mr S went to bed after tea for a good sleep. Up to the top gate with Bill, bed now 10.50 pm, so Good Night.
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