Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Sunday 22nd February


Got up 8.545, went to breakfast, had rancid bacon, porridge, coffee. Read The People. Cleaned up, shaved, no hot water, had a hair cut and filled lighter. It is very cold and snowing slightly. Read paper and made up bed, then to dinner. had beef stew, pudding, then got ready to go out. Got on bike and went to Rodwell. Got Lyn up and sat by fire. I was picked up by Mr Smeaton and put bike on grid. Chatted to Mr Ganton on China and travels relating to Japan and other countries, also about salmon fishing. had tea and then sat round fire. It was too cold to go out. We brought Lyn down by the fire and I read to her. it was nice and warm. Then put her to bed. I sat by the fire reading with Doris till supper time, then has supper and biked back to camp. Had a warm, made fire up and got in bed. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up 8.30 and Lyn the same time. Washed up, Grannie helping, did potatoes, made beds. They all went to Church excapt Baikie. Wrote to Mother and supervised dinner. Put Lyn to bed, Grannie helped with dinner things so finished by 2.15. Jill and Brigit out to tea. Bill here by 2.45, talked to Baikie till they went at 3.30. Went to bed for half hour, got Lyn up. Washed up tea things by 6.15 so brought Lyn into the dining room in her dressing gown and Bill read lots to her. We sat round the fire all the evening, I knitted, Bill read and slept. Up to the top. bed now 10.35 pm so G. Night.

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