Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Saturday 31st January


Up 6.50, washed, shaved and cleaned kit. had breakfast, porridge and minced meat and veg. On parade 9 am. Inspection and dismissed to take off over coats for going on lectures on *** action Vickers stoppage. had break and then on Smith gun 3 inch. After then, gun drill. Packed up for dinner, read paper and went to dinner. Had meat, parsnips, potatoes, bread pudding and custard. Gad a drink of ginger beer, then rang up Kidlet. Lyn was OK. She was also OK. Also that she had heard from Mother Shingle Street. Came back to hut and watched game with flat iron, then got boats ready for repair. Sat by fire talking to Kelly on Physics, bees and insects, then had a doze on the bed till tea time, after which I had tea. Corned beef, jam and Bert gave me some of his chutney which made it palatable. After tea, had a read on bed and then walked over to lecture. We were not obliged to stay, so I played a game of draughts with Taffy ***. I won the odd. Went to supper, had a Cornish pastie, knocked my cup off table and smashed it. Came back to hut and wrote up this diary. Gone eight o'clock, must ring up Kidlet. Rang up Kidlet. She was well, also Lyn. I promised to ring up tomorrow. Came back and sat by fire. Read and  then made up bed and got ready. Took books down ready for a read, then packed up. Turner gave me a cup of tea. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. My own room chiefly. Heard from Mrs Lucock. All right. Lyn quite all right today. Played with Jill and Bridget all the morning at schools. Bill rang up dinner time, quite OK. Did some washing this afternoon. Got the tea, then got Lyn up and took her and Kala up front drive and down the other. Did my ironing after tea, put Lyn to bed. Carried on with Lyn's vest this evening. Mrs S got supper - nice. Bill rang up this evening, he's all right. It is lovely to hear his voice. laid the breakfast and so to bed. 10.00 pm.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Friday 30th January


12.5 off guard and back to hut. Made some toast and Bert gave Cpl Lucas and I a piece of cheese. We also toasted some currant bread. heated up the cocoa on the stove again. it was OK. had a cup and made bed. Got in bed 12.45, up again 5.50 to go out. it was very frosty and cold we *** ***. Came off 6.10. We had a warm and made bed feeling very sleepy. Woke up again at 8 am. packed up beds and blankets, then breakfast, bacon and bubble and squeak. Bacon rancid, porridge good. Went up for wash. Bert put in remustering for fitter, then back to guard room. Read papers, cleaned rifle. Went on guard 11 till twelve. Cpl Lucas relieved by Cpl *** to go on pass. Had dinner, plenty of meat, carrots, potatoes and figs and custard. A very good dinner. Tossed up for odd half hour we went on. It started to rain. Dismissed guard. Raining terrific. I got ready to go out. Put cape and gum boots on, got to Hillmarton very wet. Changed and sat by fire. Lyn had been queer again and had lump under chin. had tea, put Lyn to bed, sat by fire. Kidlet sewed my props on jacket. Had supper and then back to camp 10.30 pm. 11.30 Bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Up most of last night with Lyn - poor kid. Made Plasticine letter with Lyn in between whiles this morning. Lyn perfectly all right all day. Didn't go to meet Bill as it was so wet. he was here 3.15, wet, so had a bath. I sat and talked to him. Put Lyn to bed, Bill read her a story, then round the fire. Sewed props on Bill's tunic, then unpicked the top of Lyn's vest and started knitting it. A lovely evening together, really happy. Went up to the top gate with Bill. It has been a nice day. Bed now, 11.19 pm. G. Night.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Thursday 29th January


Up at 6.30, dressed, washed and shaved by 7, then cleaned buttons, rifle. Went to breakfast, had scrambled egg on toast, porridge. Came back and made toast and post butter ration on it. On parade, had rifle inspection, then marched down to Yatesbury village. Flt Lt Ling and P.O. Mostermon leading. When down there, fell out for a smoke, marched back again and dismissed for break 10.30. 11 am Vickers lecture on *** action of a stoppage. 12.30 dismissed till dinner. Put rounds in packers, then to dinner, roast mutton, greens and potatoes, currant pudding and custard. Got ready for guard. Main guard parade, marched down without fixing bayonettes. Raining slightly and very cold.Tossed for shifts, went on second shift, one man at a time. Bert Wiundle and I *** our props on, then I went up to Defense office to sign remustering form to say I would accept the examiner's decision to take what rank I passed out. I had to take one prop off battle dress as I had put it on cock eyed. Got that done and very weary of it, went on at 5 after Bert Windle. It was very cold but not too bad. Had tea 4 o'clock, currant bread, meat patties, hot  but tea got cold bringing it down. Went up for supper, got sausages, potatoes and bread. Got a packet of *** not very **. Had supper then a warm by fire and continued sewing on prop. Finished it and then up to fetch blanket. Saw *** boats. Someone had put black sticky stuff on them. Came back and made bed and got down for an hour. Went on guard ten o'clock. Lovely moonlight night but frosty. Lit *** and put *** mug on stove full of cocoa. It burnt the bottom of it so very disappointed over it as I had an *** in four *** to get it on till 5 past twelve.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did all usual jobs. Mrs Slade was here and washed up so I got finished very nice and early. Pressed Anne's knickers and packed up and sent off the frock and knickers. Then wrote 4 other letters this evening. Lyn had a hectic game with Jill and Bridget after tea round and round the table. Washed my hair, mended my gloves, and listened in and joined in ** in **! Parted my hair in the middle. During supper Lady M came in to say Lyn was crying - got tummy ache badly so to bed in a hurry at 10.15.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Wednesday 28th January


Got up 7 am, cleaned up and went to breakfast. Very good porridge. I had two plates but could not stomach salt boiled cod fish. Took my bread back and toasted it. Went on parade, marched down to hanger on parade and *** finished and then on gun drill. After then, Vickers lecture on ***. Dinner time, had shepherd's pie and prunes and tapioca.Came back and then on parade again. Went on square bashing first of all. Rang up Doris, she was well, also Lyn. Went down road for a march then sheltered in guard room. Then down village and fell out for a smoke. Marched out for my lectures then drew a B6 grenade for Don Grant to lecture for H.Q. Went to tea, had meat, currant bread, beetroot, then back to hut. Put wings on coat. Left one pinned on while went over to lecture.Sat in *** *** one book. After that went over to supper for a change had stew and cocoa. Resumed sewing on and finished it. Rang up Kidlet. She was well, also Lyn. She said I sounded queer but I convinced her I was all right. Talked to *** about his wife. He still loves her and would do anything to get her back. I felt very sorry for him. Came back to hut, made some toast and had a lot of leg pulling by the other lads. It was very quiet, so have been writing up this diary which had been left too long and I am going to bed. It is now ten o'clock. Good night.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Did a big packet of washing this afternoon. (Mrs Slade was here and helped me to finish entirely by 1.50). Got Lyn up and took her and Kala up one f rive and down the other. rea, put Lyn to bed, then did all the ironing that was dry, all except woolies. Bill rang up dinner time - OK. he rang up again this evening. Quite all right. On main guard tomorrow. Sewed up and partly finished off Anne's frock this evening. Worked hard but couldn't finish it. Tired now, very, and promised Bill I would go to bed early. 10.30 pm. G. Night.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Tuesday 27th January


2 am on guard, put mug of cocoa on stove to heat it, did us both good. Came off three, then back to bed. Got up at seven, slipped in to old guard hut and had breakfast, bacon and sausage. Went on at 7 minutes past eight to relieve other two for breakfast. Stopped to finish off time then finished for the day. It was very cold, freezing all the time, hail and sleet. Went over to get four by two. Got some and a piece of emery. Went back to guard hut and cleaned up rifle and wrote to Mother. Had dinner, stew and rice with currants in. 1.50 marched back to camp. The roads were frozen and very slippery. Dismissed and prepared to go out. Changed into blue and got cycle ready and made bed. Put slippers and book in bag. Got on bike. It was thawing but very windy. Doris met me with Lyn. They had macs on. Lyn looked very sweet. She was *** and looked very happy. Went back and sat by fire. Told Doris my L.A.C. had gone on PORS and then had tea. Put Lyn to bed. Sat round fire and read Stock Breeder. Also looked at snaps and also suggested getting Lyn a bank book and putting my LAC money in it. Had supper, pickled onion, cheese, then cycle home. Doris came up drive with me. Ivy sent me pair of gloves. Good night.



Up usual time and did all usual jobs. Snowed and hailed and rained this morning. Bill's brother went away this morning. Got Lyn up at three and took her to meet Bill, it rained and the roads were slippery but she enjoyed it. Bill's got his L.A.C. from Jan 1st. Good. Sat round the fire and talked till tea time. washed up, put Lyn to bed, and story. Then sat and talked in the dining room. Bill snoozed and I finished Anne's knickers. he had a bit of a bad head today. Supper and walked to the top gate with him. It's a lonely time, bed time. I shall never get used to being alone. 11.00 pm. Good Night.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Monday 26th January


Got up 7 am, then to breakfast. Bacon and sausage. Bacon a bit rancid. On parade bayonette drill and fast drill. Went on guard, C hut. Very slippery on roads. Went on *** it was very cold.Came off at 5 pm and walked over to G.H.Q. for tea. Had fish mashed up with potatoes, and marmalade. Came back, then went in to pilots room, made a good fire. Went to supper, had stew and cocoa. On again 9 till eleven with ***. It was not too bad, but plenty bad enough. Came off and sat reading by fire till twelve, then for a few hours sleep. Got up 20  minutes to two and on at two.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Lyn awake during the night with her tummy, miserable this morning but quite all right this afternoon and evening. Bill rang up dinner time - I miss him today. he's on C flight today. Policeman came dinner time, thought Bill's (Ed. different Bill) brother was deserter but all turned out all right. Wrote letters this afternoon and evening too, did six, and altered a satin petticoat. ordered the suede shoes. Hope to have a bath and wash my hair before I go to bed. Didn't have a bath as Mrs S did, so after supper went to bed. 10.15 pm.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Sunday 25th January


Sunday morning and in bed till 8.45. Thank goodness not in camp, very nice to wake up feeling free. Had a shave and breakfast of porridge and eggs, bacon, fried bread. Then helped to wash up, peel potatoes and read book. Also cleaned away a few things. Put Lyn to bed. *** read by the fire and then dinner. Leg of lamb, red currant jelly, trifle, very nice indeed. After dinner washed up and then had a rest on the bed studying Gen book, dressed Lyn and went for a nice long walk, and talked about having a house and farm, its out come and draw back. It was very nice out and enjoyed walk very much. Came back to tea and had potato cakes. Very nice. Cleaned away, washed up, put Lyn to bed, read her a story. She had tummy ache. Sat by fire and read A.G. Street's Diary. Listened to news, had supper, than packed up things to go back to camp. It was a nice night and I wished I was stopping. Got back about 11.45, saw Kelly by fire making toast.We yarned over various things, then went to bed. Bed made for me ***.


Rodwell. Up 8.50 am and together. All went to church so we messed about all the morning. Put Lyn to bed, washed up and then both went to bed to sleep until four. Bill got Lyn up while I got the tea, and then we went for a walk up the Bushton road and got back at six, and had tea on our own. Put Lyn to bed and story, then round the fire. mended Bill's glove and a seam in his overcoat. Then sat a just was happy. Today has been such a happy day, if only we could be together always - it's lonely again now that he is gone. Bed, 10.50 pm.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Saturday 24th January


Woke up quarter to three by Styles then had a walk round and a warm by fire. Ate a piece of cake. Half past three woke up Taffy *** to go on. I got down in his makeshift bed on a form, a bit hard on the hip bone. 7 am went on again till halfpast eight then to breakfast. Had porridge, mashed up meat and vegetable, not too keen, then washed and shaved, read paper, cleaned up rifle and kit, also went to dinner. Had corned beef, Brussel sprouts, potatoes and stewed apple and custard. 1.30 went on last shift and waited for new relief. Saw Bert Widle and Kelly ***. 1 past, marched back to camp and dismissed. Changed batle dress, got cycle ready and packed up things prior to going out. Then went over to office to get pass. Then it came on to rain hard so I put cape *** and cycled over to Hillmarton. Then met Doris out. She was looking a bit wet. We walked home, I changed my trousers and put gum boots on and went to village. Doris bought me some shaving soap, tobacco. It rained very hard. Doris also gave me two *** and a set of bulbs. Also a ***. had tea. After tea looked at snaps of our old days. Put Lyn to bed. She was better. Had supper and bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time, gave my bedroom a real spring clean. Got ready and got out by 2.30 to meet Bill. It was pouring with rain. Bill had had to go on guard the night before unexpectedly so was late and came at 3.45 pm. Got Lyn up and laid tea and went up the shop - rained the whole time. Had our tea late on our own. Sat and talked and looked through old photos. Lovely feeling to know Bill has not to go back tonight. Supper, cheese pudding, and laid the breakfast and go to bed TOGETHER, how lovely it is. 10.30 Good Night.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Friday 23rd January


Got up at 7 am. Had a shave and cleaned up everything. Folded up blankets and swept bed space and then on parade with overalls and gum boots. Went and dug out the gun post then it came on to rain. it was much milder than yesterday. Pcked that up, then got ready for pay parade. I drew 2-00. Then to lectures on Vickers. had dinner, stew and bread pudding and custard. After dinner, lectures on battle drill and tactics. very bad for eyes, could hardly keep them open. Rang up Doris. She was well, also Lyn's face was better. Arranged to come over tonight if weather permitting. Went to tea, had currant bread, butter, jam and cake, cream and jam sandwich. Still raining hard. Roads will be bad to cycle so don't think I will chance it as I am going out tomorrow. Had a game of cards. Won 5/- then had to get a C light cycle down to relieve Lester so he could go out. Did patrol. Very nice inside, listened to news and read the paper and made some toast. Made a bed up. It was raining hard and a very nasty night. I did not go out to supper. It was too wet to risk it. very sorry I could not ring Kidlet up and let her know. Eleven, got down for a sleep.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. After dinner finished my ironing and sat and read for a few minutes, then got Philip and Lyn up. Played with Lyn with dolls and letters, then Bill's brother played with her till tea time. Bill rang up dinner time to say he was off guard, but rang up at tea time to say he wasn't coming as the roads were too bad and would ring up again tonight. Knitted at Anne's knickers all the evening. Bath now and going to bed. Cheers, Bill should be here tomorrow. 10.30 G.N.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Thursday 22nd January


Got up at 7 am. Washed, shaved and cleaned up, then when others on parade cleaned up posters and took them over to office. Then took battle dress over to Yatesbury with pants for exchange. Changed dress and left pants for tomorrow. Wind cutting like a knife. Had cup of tea at ***  and biscuits. Got back to camp about 11.45. Changed into battle dress, went to dinner, had meat, potatoes, swedes and currant pudding with custard. Bought a bar of chocolate then rang Kidlet up. Lyn was ok, also herself. I promised to ring up at eight tonight. back to hut. Had a warm by fire till parade time, then to lecture on the rules of ***. Very cold and bored. 4.15 dismissed and went to tea. had sausage and two pieces of current bread and brought two pieces back to hut and toasted them. They were nice. Sat around fire talking about rain and various topics then blocked up crack in floor. Made bed and getting up from this diary to find something else to do. Went in hut 5 to see ** Prichard. He wanted me to draw a lock. Then to lectures at 6 pm. had supper, a pie and toasted some ***. Played cards then rang Kidlet up. Lyn had a swelling on her jaw. I hope she is all right. Played cards again. Won 1/- then made a piece of toast. I think I will get to bed. it is snowing hard again outside. I wish I was in bed with my dearest one. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs, full day. Did our washing all the afternoon. Wrote to Bill 8.30 a, today. Sorry for being ungrateful. Played with Lyn when I got her up till tea time. Only Mr S and Lyn and me for tea. ironed some of my things after tea, and then dozed all the evening. Bill rang up dinner time and tonight. he is quite OK. I feel very guilty tonight and I feel dreadfully tired and miserable. it's been snowing steadily all the evening. Bed now 10.30 so Good Night. No post today.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Wednesday 21st January


12.30 got up and went on for 1 1/2 hours. Not too cold but very sharp under foot. 2 am went to bed after a drink of cocoa. Woke up when fire fell *** very smokey. 5.45 got up and rolled up bed. Made a piece of toast then went on for 2 hours. It was much colder and cannot get warm. 8.10 came off and packed beds up, cleaned up around room with Butch and had a warm. Waited for breakfast. Had breakfast, porridge, faggot and not very sweet tea. Went up for a wash and shave. Washed feet and put on clean socks. Cole wind, came to guard hut. had dinner and 12..45 went  on for half an hour then off, matched back and dismissed. Changed from battle dress, put in a pass for weekend, got cycle out and biked over to Hillmarton. Main road a bit rough and wind very cold. Kidlet met me and we walked back together with Kala. Got Lyn up, then pasted pictures in Lyn's book by the fire. had tea, bread and butter, scones, jam potted meat. Cleared away and washed up. Put Lyn to bed and read her two stories out of her book. Then sat down by the fire, looked at the paper and Farmer and Stockbreeder. Had a nice warm. Kidlet sat down with me and we talked of home days. Had supper, cheese and picked onions and two cups of cocoa made with milk. Kidlet walked up to main road with me then bulb blew so had to borrow Kidlet's lamp. Got in to guardroom 11.50. bed about 12.20.


Rodwell. Up usual time, some usual jobs, then did vegetables and messed about. Girls went to school today. Went to meet Bill while Lyn was asleep. he came about 3.30. Perishing cold. Bill is wonderful to cycle all this way as he does. Played with Lyn before tea. Put her to bed and read her a story - Bill did. We talked etc all the evening and did nothing. Supper and across the field with Bill - dear, dear old boy. Bed now 10..53 pm. G. Night.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Tuesday 20th January


Woke up 7 am and got up feeling cold. Heavy drifts of snow. Went to breakfast, had bacon and beans, porridge. Put overalls on and gum boots. Went digging out cars and clearing roads. Had a cup of tea at *** YMCA. Bought  two Mars, saved them for Kidlet. Came back and got ready for khaki battle dress. Had dinner, meat, greens and potatoes, prunes and custard. 1.20 went on parade for clothes. Took old jacket and trousers, took out letters Kidlet wrote to me when I first joined up. I intended them to stay there until demobbed but fate rules otherwise. Got battle dress over ****. Trousers much too big but jacket ok. 1.15 parade for main guard. Rang up Doris. She was well but doubtful if I could get over to see her tomorrow. Went up for tea, had bread and butter and pie, hot, and cream swiss roll. Very nice. Had two pieces. Going on  last shift. Went up and put gum boots on. 17.30 went on guard. Very cold. Did two hours, came in 9.30 and had supper then went up to fetch blanket. Made bed and had a warm, then got down for1 1/2 hours sleep. Still  very cold outside. A dull night.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did all usual jobs. Girls didn't go to school as the snow was too bad. Lyn played out with them a little while but got too cold. Hurt her head, quite a nasty gash. Bill rang up at dinner time. He gets battledress today - khaki. Finished Anne's frock all except sewing it up. Wrote to Mother and dad this evening. Started Anne's knickers. Bill Cook's brother has come on embarkation leave and is going to stay here. Had supper and off to bed 10.00. No Bill tonight as he's on Main Guard.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Monday 19th January


12.00 arrived at guard room after walking from Compton Camp went down on back very hard. George, **, Gill and brown back off leave. Had to walk from Calne, all buses called in. I walked back with Warden and subject farming. Got in to bed 12.30, just ready for it. 7 am got up, washed, shaved, and went to breakfast. sausage, bacon, porridge and coffee. Went back to hut, drew up the fire, started work on posters. Went over to office to see Sqd Fish. He was engaged, I will go back at eleven. had a cup of tea, very nice. Foggy and cold outside, still freezing. Went again over to office to see the c/o but not back yet so will wait till more convenient time. Freezing cold outside. Went to dinner. Had meat, swedes, potatoes and rice. Saw Kilgain. He said my L.A.C. had gone in, also he was being made a corporal. Told me to keep it ***. Five more postings to Cornwall. *** is going. Rang up Doris. She had heard from Alma. Gordon was home from *** and not going back. They were engaged. Cleaned up posters. 4 pm went to tea. had corned beef, beetroot jam and cream sandwich. Snowing very hard. Looks bad. Played pontoon till 5.45 then to Vickers lectures till 7. Went to supper, welsh rarebit, cocoa. Came back, made toast and had cheese with it. Made bed. Rang up Doris, did a ***. Played pontoon, lost 6/6. Made a piece of  toast. Still snowing hard. Had cup of tea. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did all usual jobs. The girls went to school today. Lyn played very well today, all day with Philip's bricks. Bill rang up dinner time. He fell off his biuke going back last night but is all right. I knitted at Anne's frock all afternoon and all this evening. Got a rotten *** headache so going to bed now 8.50. Bill rang up tonight, he gets his khaki battle dress tomorrow. Snowing hard ever since teatime. I hope the roads won't be too bad for Bill on Wednesaday. Well, Good Night.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Sunday 18th January


1.45 am time to go on for another two hours. Did not relish getting out of the blanket and nice frosty roof. 2 am on duty. I stood outside,  Yates in, he had a short nap. Very dull outside. it started to sleet, so I covered guns up, slipped down steps and bruised my shins, very painful. It snowed and rained hard at the end of the shift. Glad to be relieved after doing twenty minutes extra. Made bed, was going to have a drink but stone cold so got in bed. Bill stone cold *** *** stomach. *** Joe Watts went on instead. Went to sleep about 3.35. Woke up 7.20 am feeling nice and warm. Got up and went to breakfast. Waited till 20 past eight, read while doing so. Had sausage, meat and very *** bacon, porridge, very sweet tea. On duty 5 to nine, cleaned guns but did  not pull them through. Finished ten am, went and had wash and shave. 12.30 dinner, stew and figs, custard. 1.45 dismissed. Bought bar of soap for Doris. Got ready and cycled to Rodwell. Doris met me with Kala. Got Lyn up. She was full of beans. Helped Mr Smeaton to drive sheep out of garden. Had tea. palyed with Lyn, put her to bed.


Rodwell. Up 8.45 and got Lyn up at the same time. Washed up, made beds, did potatoes, then played with Lyn and wrote to Mother. gave Lyn her dinner and put her to bed. Went and met Bill with Kala. We stayed in all the afternoon. Got Lyn up and played with her till tea time. She ate a tremendous tea,. Put her to bed, stayed up there a little while; finished letter to Mother and to Jean, and Bill drew pictures for Lyn's letters. Sat and just enjoyed ourselves doing nothing - but together. Supper. Walked to top with Bill. bed now 10.45pm. Lovely day.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Saturday 17th January


Got up at 7 am, shaved, cleaned up, built up fire and had a good warm. Continued work on posters. 10.45 had a cup of tea and another warm. Back to work till 12 pm then finished to get dinner ready for gun post duties. What a day to go on duty. It would have been half  day at home. Had  dinner, mutton, swedes and potatoes, currant pudding with custard. Not bad. Phone up Doris. She still had ***. Lyn was well. Doris heard from Barnet. Mother had been in bed with cold, and now Dad had it. Ivy has been looking after them. Ivy is making something for me. Ken *** and Jock Dorling gone today. Went on G. parade and had first shift on 11 post very cold on there. Could not get my feet warm. Relieved at half past four, then went to tea, had butter, brawn and beetroot with cake. Brought six slices over with me, toasted one, very  nice indeed. Changed into gum boots. Priestner told me his wife had deserted him so he is going abroad. Very hard luck. Must go back to guard hut now and I have several things to take back. Read in front of fire till then to supper. Had salmon and cheese. Went on 6 till ten. Not so cold, wind dropped. Came back and had a warm then made bed. Got in to bed about 5 to eleven. Cheerio.
7pm Rang up Kidlet.


Rodwell. Up usual time, bit giddy all day. Mrs S took Pat back to *** so I was in charge. Cooked the dinner etc. Lynette very good all day and the girls played with her nicely. Jill looked after Philip. I only fed him. Ironed the whole afternoon. Got Lyn up, she was WET, so I washed her blanket, vest and socks. Bill rang up dinner time and at seven. he's on 11 post. It is nice to hear his voice. Knitted at Anne's frock this evening. Laid the breakfat. Going to have a bath now and go to bed 10.23 pm. G. Night.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Friday 16th January


Got up at seven, washed, shaved and cleaned up kit. Made bed. very cold outside and a touch of east in the wind. 8 o'clock going to breakfast. Slept very well last night. Did some more poster work. 10 am had cup of tea. Bert Windle goes on leave. Ken *** and Jock Dorling posted abroad. 12.30 pm went to dinner. Had beef potatoes and swedes, tapioca and prunes. meat very tough, could not eat it. Rang Kidlet up, she still had *** otherwise not too bad. Lyn all right. came back and gargled for sore throat. Had a  good warm by the fire. Continued on posters. Had cup of coffee, very nice. 4 o'clock tea, tinned meat, beetroot jam. Had a nap. 5.45 Vickers lecture. 7 pm supper, curry, cocoa. Rang up Kidlet. She was much better. Lyn quite well. She had 6 slices of bread and butter and two biscuits. Went into hut five gave Taxi and Jeff some onions. Borrowed hand grenade to draw. Made bed. Read a book till 9.50. Got in to bed. Read a little while then goodnight. Weather a bitter east wind.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Thoroughly messy day. Mr and Mrs S departed with Tim at 2.45 for Dauntsey. Pat isn't going till tomorrow or Monday to ***. Did my washing this afternoon, got Philip up, then Lyn and played cards with Lyn till tea time. Gave all the children tea,. Mr and Mrs S back during tea. Wrote to Mrs Lucock this evening. Bill rang up this dinner time and this evening. He is quite all right. Lyn seems very fit today and appetite like a horse. Didn't have any supper tonight. bed now 10.35 pm so Good Night.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Thursday 15th January


Up at 4 am, went to hut and had a warm and a piece of toast, then back to bed. Up at 20 to seven. Went over to wash and shave. Had breakfast, cod, porridge. Went on quarter past nine, cleaned up *** and Vickers. Very cold, freezing. Came off 10.45, went and had a warm by the fire, then back to hut. 12.30 went to dinner, had mutton, potatoes, greens. Currant pud, then prepared to come off. Dismissed and made bed. Got things out ready to go to Rodwell. Was cycling along and skidded on ice. Went down bang and slid along road. Doris met me top of road. Had a warm by fire then got Lyn up. She was much better. Had tea, soda bread, hot buns, jam, biscuits, sandwich sponge, very nice. Put Lyn to bed, read to her and came down to sit by fire. Had a good warm, listened to 9 o'clock news. Went to supper, had 2 mugs of cocoa and biscuits and cheese. Also changed clothes, got ready to go back to camp. Kidlet came up to the drive gate. Got home 11.30. Made fires up. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did all usual jobs. very, very cold today. Lyn a tiny bit grizzly today but quite all right. Dinner very late but flew around, washed and changed and met Bill. It is nice to see him. Too cold to go to the village but sat round the fire. Put Lyn to bed and read her a story and cuddled her. Bill changed his clothes. Sat round the dining room fire on our own. Just did nothing really. I coloured two or three pictures in Lyn's book. Very, very cold. What a real DEAR husband Bill is to cycle 14 miles on a night like this. I do hope he gets back safely. Bed now 10.43 pm.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Wednesday 14th January


Out of bed quarter to seven, shaved, cleaned up buttons and rifle ready for breakfast at quarter past eight. Almost an inch of snow outside but not so cold. Had breakfast, shredded wheat, bacon and bubble and squeak. Came back and at 9 am started lettering. Had a  cup of tea 10 am. Finished off rosters, told I was on 7 post very cold. Freezing cold lads have been sweeping snow and lectures. 12 going to dinner. Had dinner, corned beef, potatoes, turnips, ground rice. 12.30 range Doris up. Lyn was better, had been playing in the snow. Doris all right but thick in the nose. Tossed up for shifts, I go on first getting stuff ready, sewed button on my trousers. Lads gone on embarkation leave today. On parade and on 7 post first shift not too cold but I had to move about. Came off at 20 past four and wrote two letters, then tea. Had faggots, cake, then on duty again from stand to till stand down. On with Lacford, put guns away and came up for supper. Had supper, stew, cocoa. Rang Doris up. Lyn was happy. More volunteers wanted for abroad. Gong back to guard hut with blankets. Made bed up and read a few stories. Got to bed. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time, more or less messed away the morning waiting for Mrs S to mend the iron. Did a little ironing and ironed most of the afternoon. Snow today. Lyn went out this morning but cried because her fingers got cold. Did a bit of Lyn's vest before and after tea. Altered the petrol blue frock this evening, darned Bill's pants and my socks. Bill rang up dinner time and this evening. Quite OK on No. 7 post, so ought to be here by three tomorrow. One of my ears are completely blocked up. Bed now 10.15. G. Night.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Tuesday 13th January


Got out of bed 6.40. It is snowing and sleet outside, also very windy. Cleaned buttons and went to breakfast, Bacon, beans and porridge. Started to draw out letters. It is still sleeting down. I am glad I did not have to go out. 10.00 had a cup of tea. Hands very cold even b y fire. Went to dinner and had meat, potatoes, carrots and  turnips, brad pudding and custard. Very nice. On with the job after ringing up Doris. She was well well and Lyn much better too. I was very pleased to hear it. Went back and started work about 1.45. Painting in letters till four ten, then went to tea. Had brawn and meat roll, beetroot and currant bread. Came back and toasted the bread, very nice indeed. Had a good warm and listened to wireless. Very sorry that G Gill is taking it home with him. We shall miss the boys when they are gone. Had a game of droughts with C. Kelly. I won most of them. 7 pm went to supper, had pie, potatoes and cocoa. Felt very thirsty so bought a cream soda. Came back to hut. Snowing outside. Must ring Doris up at 8 o'clock. 8.30 rang up Doris. Lyn was better also Doris. I felt very pleased about it. Had a game of pontoon, about even. Had a **** **** hand. Made a piece of toast, Had cheese with it. Good night.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Lyn much, much better. Played nicely all the morning and ate all her dinner. Got Lyn up and played with her, with her letters till tea time. Put her to bed, then wrote home and to D. H. Evans for a catalogue. Took Ivy's petrol blue frock to pieces to shorten it for myself. Bill rang up at 8.30. Nice to hear him and to know all was well. Supper and now to bed and I feel tired too. 10.05 pm. G. night.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Monday 12th January


Got out of bed 16 minutes to seven. It is frosty and cold. Shaved and washed and cleaned buttons. Listened to news. 8.10 off to breakfast. Had shredded wheat for breakfast and sausage and bacon. 9 am started on roster then went over office for approval. It passed OK and P.O. Mastermon said it was better than the original so Sqd Leader Fish said that goes up in my office and asked me if I could do the camoflaging of the gun posts. I accepted and PO Mostermon said he would tour round and see what could be done about it. Came back and had a cup of tea in the hut very good. 12 o'clock dinner curry rice and figs and custard. Resumed work. Had to go out on parade. 20 postings abroad any volunteers. All warning about letter unauthorised entering gates. Had to go and see Mr Mastermon. He inquired about alleged entry of man on dr**ne. Thank goodness it was on the small gate. Went round *** posts with P.O. Mastermon. Planned out what to do. I had to see Sqd Fish at halfpast four.  A.C. Gosling questioned. I could give very little information. Had tea, chicken and ham roll jam beetroot. Cycled over to Hillmarton. Lyn bright and cheerful. I read her story. Sat by fire and Doris cut out squares for Lyn while I drew pictures on them. Had egg for supper. very nice. 12 midnight bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time. Mop round and then did washing for Mrs S. Lyn wonderfully different today, quite happy and bright. Did some ironing this afternoon, got Lyn up and played with her till tea time. Bill came 5.15. Lyn very full of beans, we put her to bed after stories. Sat round the fire. Bill drew pictures for Lyn's letters. I darned socks and cut out the cardboard, and rested with Bill. Supper - Bill had an egg. He's going to camouflage the gun posts. 20 posted overseas. Went to top gate with him. 10.45 G. Night.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Sunday 11th January


I woke up at 8.30. Very cold. Put coat in bed and got up and dressed. 8.50 went to breakfast. Had hard boiled egg and porridge. Went back to hut, made bed, rolled a cigarette and generally cleared up. Played pontoon and lost the remainder of my Sat night's winning. Played till quarter past twelve and finished level on three games. Went to dinner. Stew and xmas pudding. Very nice. Came back and cleared up ready to go out thank goodness. I am not on guard. I shall be glad to to see Kidlet. I hope she is better. 2 pm cycled over to Hillmarten and found Lyn not too well with pains in her tummy. Doris very pleased to see me. She was nursing Lyn in the chair. Lyn had spasms all the afternoon. I played a few games of droughts with the children. Had a conference with Mrs Smeaton about Lyn. She was quieter ** Mrs Henrys mixture. Decided to take her to Doctors. Mr Smeaton drove us to Calne. We were much relieved when it was found nothing serious. Either colic or acidosis. She was much better but wanted to have company. She allowed Doris to come home for tea so it was ok. We washed up and *** off up stairs now and again. Sat in front of the fire reading. Very cosy. Took turns in going up starirs to Lyn. She was getting off to sleep. Had supper, soup and sandwiches. Prepared to go back. Mr Smeaton gave me some onions and Mrs *** cheese. Said good night to Doris. Very thick frost and cold. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up 8.45 am. Washed up and did potatoes then wrote to Mother but Lyn was very fretty, but ate her dinner and went to bed. Woke up crying about 2.30 and I couldn't soothe her at all. Bill came 3.00 pm, I was so glad to see him. We sat up with Lyn all the afternoon, she was really in pain. 5.15 we rolled her in rugs and Mr S drove Bill and me to Dr. James - acidosis. She settled fairly well when we got back and delpt fitfully. We sat around the fire. I only went to the gate with Bill, not up the field. bed 10.15 pm. G. Night.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Saturday 10th January


Saturday and glad of it. Woke up 7 am, dressed, shaved and went to guard post. Had boiled cod and corn flakes then back to hut. Did some lettering. Glad I wasn't on parade. Very cold and frosty. Windle and Kelly back from Oxford. They were sorry to come back here. Worked up till twelve then went to dinner. Kelly asked me to get him two packets of crisps but they had none. Had minced meat, turnips and potatoes and the usual baked pudding and custard. Had a glass of ginger beer then I rang Kidlet up. She was better but Lyn was grizzling. Still she was pleased to hear me. I wish I could go out with her and told her I would ring up again at 8 o'clock tonight. I went back to hut and told Kelly I could not get his crisps, then collected a letter from my Mother and Dad. They both had colds and flu but feeling better. Also said Henry enjoyed his parcel and would they like to ** our house for us. Dad had been out shooting. Did some drawing then played pontoon. Had tea Brawn, beetroot and syrup. Went back for another game winning 125. Phoned up Doris, Lyn much better but she had catarrh. Resumed game and finished up about 3-6 in. Went  to bed. Very cold and frosty and very cold in bed. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did usual jobs. 11.45 am Mr and Mrs and the two boys went to Devizes for pictures. I got the dinner for the girls children and Bill - fish pie - very nice! Got Phil and Lyn up (P. was dirty!) and played with Lyn with letters and plasticine till tea time. Round the fire alone this evening just messing about, bit miserable. Bill rang up dinner time at about 7.30 pm too. He's quite all right. Knitted and listened to the wireless. Laid breakfast things. Bed 10.35.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Friday 9th January


2 am. relieved, went to own hut, brewed some coffee and toasted currant bread. Had a good warm. I made the fires up and then went back to guard hut to sleep. Felt warm and comfortable after all that. 5.45 woke up to go on duty. It was milder but rain showers. 7 am wind changing to the east. Wind very cold and freezing. Relieved, went to breakfast, had some warm tea and porridge, two rashes of bacon, toast and cleaned up buttons and washed and shaved then back to guard hut. 11.30 ** parade ** - 13. 12.15 dinner meat greens and potatoes, baked currant pudding and custard. 12.50 on duty again. It is very cold. 1.55 relieved and then inspection and dismissed. 2.00 made bed and changed ready to go out. Cycled over to Hillmarten, met Doris. She was alone. Lyn asleep in bed. Had a warm by the fire then at 4 o'clock dressed Lyn and gave Doris two bars chocolate cream. Doris prepared tea. Introduced to Miss ***. Walk up to Hillmarten Post Office with Doris and Lyn. Doris bought some chocolates and cheese and mops. Arrived back for tea. Had bread and butter, jam, honey, ginger cake and lardy cake and biscuits. Washed up tea things, put Lyn to bed and read her a story then got in *** and slept for an hour. Kidlet darned my glove for me. 9.10 supper, biscuits, cheese and two  cups of cocoa made with milk and felt very sleepy.  10.30 prepared for camp, very frosty. Walked in 11.30, then bed.


Rodwell. Up usual time, did usual jobs. Heard from Mother, she's better. Mrs May*** came this afternoon. I went and met Bill at 3.00 pm, we sat and talked 'till they came, in the kitchen, then got Lyn up, got the tea for them and went for a walk to the village. Came back as they went so had out tea on our own. Put Lyn to bed, then sat round the fire. Bill slept most of the evening. He'd come straight off his post and was very tired. Walked to the top with him. Got my bottle and so to bed 11.20. I wonder if Bill is back yet. G. Night.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Thursday 8th January


7 am rise. 8 am breakfast corn flakes, faggots. 9 am drawing out poster. 10 am cup of tea. Took poster down for approval. Alterations made and started fresh one. 12.00 had dinner, corn beef potatoes cabbage and sago stewed apple unsweetened. 1 pm tried to rung up Doris but too many there. 1.15 ready for gunpost. 1.30 parade. 2 o'clock reading in guard hut. 3.10 fetched magazine to read. 4.30 tea currant bread. 6 o'clock gun post very cold north wind. 8 o'clock supper stew, cocoa then back to hut. Mde two rounds of toast, took blankets and made bed. 9.45 pm got in to bed for two hours sleep. 11.45 awaked for duties not very nice to get up that time. Wished I was home in bed with Kidlet.


Rodwell. Up usual time, usual jobs this morning. Mrs S went to the doctor's to have her ears blown out. 9 am Lyn ate her dinner today!! Took two aspirins and went to bed this afternoon and slept. Bill didn't ring up at dinner time, worried. Made some cardboard letters for Lyn this evening, knitted a little, but chiefly thought in the fading light. Bill didn't ring up at all. I do so hope he is quite all right. I can't help worrying.Didn't wait for supper. Laid it, came up and had a nice hot bath, and now bed 9.32. G. Night.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Wednesday 7th January


7.00 up. 7.30 dressed and made bed. Very frosty outside. Had bacon on toast for breakfast, also porridge. We sick and marched others over to M*centre at Yatesbury. Had cup of tea in naaf then back dismissed squad. Went into Sgt L. Fish's office to do roster for huts. Started work in hut getting out draught. Had dinner. Rang Doris up. She still had cold.Lyn much better. Felt relieved.Went back and started work, continued till 1/4 to five. Had tea beans on toast, current bread. Went back to more work ****. Had supper baked potatoes, brawn and cocoa cherry beer. 8'oclock rang Doris up. She seemed bright. Lyn much better. She made me promise no cards and in bed by ten. 8.45 getting in to bed. Milder weather. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time. Felt a bit better and Lyn definitely better. Ivy sent her gloves, lovely. Ironed all the am and most of the afternoon too, then did some of my washing with Lyn's help. Bill rang up dinner tme. He felt better but had been to the doctor for some medicine. Round the fire alone this evening. Bill rang up 8.00 pm.How I love to hear his voice. he was quite all right so all round I feel much happier. Had supper 'treet's pint of milk. So to bed 10.20 pm. Good Night.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Tuesday 6th January


12 midnight came off guard feeling frozen.Still freezing not too good cold in head, feet and hands frozen. made up bed and tried to sleep. Woke up two hours later then sleep till four. On guard again. Sharp frosts and planes going over. Came off six, got in to bed, had short sleep till half past seven. Went to breakfast and had porridge ** and unsweetened tea, very nice sausage meat and bacon. 9.10 on till ten 30, then YMCA lady brought me cake and cream bun. 12.30 dinner baked potatoes, sweet pudding. 2-5 pm dismissed. Cycle to Rodwell. Doris and Lyn with very bad colds not at all well. I had little tea, pains in tummy. Sat around fire during evening. Has supper, read story to Lyn. She was much better. Left early, bed at 11.30.


Rodwell. Up usual time. Lyn and I very bad colds. All the family except Mr went to Newbury for the day. Bill came about 3.45. Wasn't at all well, cold and tummy ache. This evening Mr S at H.G. Mrs with L. Matheson so Bill and I had supper together round the fire. Bill went at ten and I didn't go with him, only to the door. Not sorry to get to bed, nose streaming - 10.25pm. Lyn was definitely better this afternoon - must be Bill's influence. G.N.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Monday 5th January


7 am got out of bed feeling none too good in the stomach. Suspicious feeling about pie. Could eat no breakfast and had a cup of tea. On parade with overalls and filling in trench. It was very cold. Went to lavatory 3 times. 12 midday could not eat any dinner bar little rice pudding. 1.30 on guard parade on C flight. Felt rotten. Marched down to C flight. Rang Doris up told her I shall be late. Stove in hut not very good. Perishing cold. Matthews tried to alter wick and messed it up. No heat and perished with cold. Tea I had half a slice of black currant jam, two cups of tea. No supper feeling rotten. Enjoyed hot cup of cocoa ten o'clock on guard.


Rodwell. Up usual time and vacumed all round as they are all out tomorrow. Bill rang up dinner time, he wasn't very well, poor old boy. I do hope he is better now. Lyn made a 'pudding' this afternoon. She is a bit better I think but has got a bad cold. I've got the cold too so have come to bed now although it's only 8.25. I am going to read a little while.I wish Bill and I were at home. I do want to be with him and look after him when he isn't well - do hope he will be all right tomorrow. Good night

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Sunday 4th January


Out of bed 6.30. Breakfast porridge and two rashers. Had a sleep on the bed. Read paper. Had dinner, beef greens potatoes, dried fruit and custard unsweetened. After dinner drew a sketch of A.C. Witts. Rang Doris up. She was alright but Lyn wasn’t too well. I had another go at bomb racks. 4pm tea meat pie, jam substitute and margarine. 6.30 played pontoon till 9.30. Won two and fourpence. Rang Doris up. She had been waiting since eight. She was cross and none too pleased at being kept waiting. Got to bed. Read magazine. Good night.


Rodwell. Up at 8.45 as the breakfast was laid overnight. Did usual Sunday jobs and then wrote home and to O’Neals up in the bedroom, then knitted downstairs till dinner time. Ironed after dinner till 4. Got Lyn up and took her out in the pram. She didn’t want to walk, she isn’t very well and wanted cuddles etc when I put her to bed. Cut her hair. Read ‘Endless Furrows’ all evening. Bill didn’t ring up till quarter to ten, playing cards – how I hate it.  Bed now, tired – 10.35 pm. Good night.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Saturday 3rd January


12.00 am went on guard till 2 am. From 2 till half past made some toast and then to bed. 5.45 awakened to go on again. Felt very tired. 9.40 came off for breakfast. Had bacon, beans, porridge. Cleared up. Read book. Had meat, green, potatoes and tasteless sago. 12.30 on guard. 1.45 relieved. Got meal to go out, put in *remaster for Fritton*. Cycle over to Hillmarton. Doris met me down drive. Had a rest by fire. Got Lyn up. She was queer. Doris much better, Went to Post Office. Doris bought a brush. Had good tea and supper. Got back 11.30. Made bed up. Raining outside.
P.S. Had coffee and spam supper.


Up usual time 8.00 am and did all usual jobs. Happy day because Bill came. Lyn went to bed from 1-4 and I went and met Bill in the field. Laid tea and got Lyn up. Went to the village shop and bought Bill a nail brush and a rear lamp battery. Lyn went to bed without any tea queer, but is better now. Mrs S, girls and Phil were out to tea. Sat around the fire this evening knitted and read. Bill snoozed. “Spam” for supper. Went to the field gate with Bill.  Bed now 11.20 pm.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Friday 2nd January


Got up at 6.45. Had boiled egg and corn flakes. Went filling in trench and laying cable. Had curry rice and pudding for dinner. On main guard 1.30. Had last shift 6 o’clock. Rang Doris. Arranged to meet her about three. Read Magazine and *** book during afternoon. Had meat pie and jam for tea. Went on guard with Gosling 6 to 8. Had supper, boiled cod, potatoes, cocoa. Took blanket down. Listened to news. Japs entered Manila. We took Bandia. 9.45 made bed to get two hours sleep if lucky. On again at twelve till two. Weather dull but not too cold. Practice bombing at ******. Good night.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did usual jobs. Felt a lot better. Vacumed upstairs. Did awful packet of washing after dinner. Lyn went to bed 1-4. Rosemary G**** and a little girl of three came for ½ hour but Mrs S. was at church. Mrs S. went to a dance this evening. Read Moonraking all the evening. Meat patties for supper with Mr S. and Bill Cook. Mr S. helped me wash up then all to bed just after ten. Tired.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Thursday 1st January


Awakened at 7 a.m. Had boiled cod and porridge for breakfast. Went digging filling in trench *** cable till twelve. Very tired. Had beef, greens, very hard potatoes, unsweetened custard baked bread pudding. Rang Doris up. She was still having pains in her side but better than before. 1.30 laying out drums ready for tomorrow. Filling in trench till 4.30. Had brawn for tea. Very grateful I had cake mother gave me. Wrote a letter to mother and read paper. Rang Doris up. She was better, had been for a walk. Had supper and watched card players. Readying for the night. In bed 10 o'clock. Good night.


Rodwell: Up usual time not feeling too good. Indefinite pains all over. Did usual jobs but not more than necessary. Went to bed 1 - 4.45, read and thought. After tea sat and knitted and read until Bill rang up just after eight then to bed. First day of another year of war. I wonder what I shall write in this book for the last day. Please God that Bill, Lyn and me may be together in peace and the war ended, no more partings.