Thursday, 19 January 2012

Monday 19th January


12.00 arrived at guard room after walking from Compton Camp went down on back very hard. George, **, Gill and brown back off leave. Had to walk from Calne, all buses called in. I walked back with Warden and subject farming. Got in to bed 12.30, just ready for it. 7 am got up, washed, shaved, and went to breakfast. sausage, bacon, porridge and coffee. Went back to hut, drew up the fire, started work on posters. Went over to office to see Sqd Fish. He was engaged, I will go back at eleven. had a cup of tea, very nice. Foggy and cold outside, still freezing. Went again over to office to see the c/o but not back yet so will wait till more convenient time. Freezing cold outside. Went to dinner. Had meat, swedes, potatoes and rice. Saw Kilgain. He said my L.A.C. had gone in, also he was being made a corporal. Told me to keep it ***. Five more postings to Cornwall. *** is going. Rang up Doris. She had heard from Alma. Gordon was home from *** and not going back. They were engaged. Cleaned up posters. 4 pm went to tea. had corned beef, beetroot jam and cream sandwich. Snowing very hard. Looks bad. Played pontoon till 5.45 then to Vickers lectures till 7. Went to supper, welsh rarebit, cocoa. Came back, made toast and had cheese with it. Made bed. Rang up Doris, did a ***. Played pontoon, lost 6/6. Made a piece of  toast. Still snowing hard. Had cup of tea. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did all usual jobs. The girls went to school today. Lyn played very well today, all day with Philip's bricks. Bill rang up dinner time. He fell off his biuke going back last night but is all right. I knitted at Anne's frock all afternoon and all this evening. Got a rotten *** headache so going to bed now 8.50. Bill rang up tonight, he gets his khaki battle dress tomorrow. Snowing hard ever since teatime. I hope the roads won't be too bad for Bill on Wednesaday. Well, Good Night.

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