Monday, 23 January 2012

Friday 23rd January


Got up at 7 am. Had a shave and cleaned up everything. Folded up blankets and swept bed space and then on parade with overalls and gum boots. Went and dug out the gun post then it came on to rain. it was much milder than yesterday. Pcked that up, then got ready for pay parade. I drew 2-00. Then to lectures on Vickers. had dinner, stew and bread pudding and custard. After dinner, lectures on battle drill and tactics. very bad for eyes, could hardly keep them open. Rang up Doris. She was well, also Lyn's face was better. Arranged to come over tonight if weather permitting. Went to tea, had currant bread, butter, jam and cake, cream and jam sandwich. Still raining hard. Roads will be bad to cycle so don't think I will chance it as I am going out tomorrow. Had a game of cards. Won 5/- then had to get a C light cycle down to relieve Lester so he could go out. Did patrol. Very nice inside, listened to news and read the paper and made some toast. Made a bed up. It was raining hard and a very nasty night. I did not go out to supper. It was too wet to risk it. very sorry I could not ring Kidlet up and let her know. Eleven, got down for a sleep.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. After dinner finished my ironing and sat and read for a few minutes, then got Philip and Lyn up. Played with Lyn with dolls and letters, then Bill's brother played with her till tea time. Bill rang up dinner time to say he was off guard, but rang up at tea time to say he wasn't coming as the roads were too bad and would ring up again tonight. Knitted at Anne's knickers all the evening. Bath now and going to bed. Cheers, Bill should be here tomorrow. 10.30 G.N.

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