Sunday, 15 January 2012

Thursday 15th January


Up at 4 am, went to hut and had a warm and a piece of toast, then back to bed. Up at 20 to seven. Went over to wash and shave. Had breakfast, cod, porridge. Went on quarter past nine, cleaned up *** and Vickers. Very cold, freezing. Came off 10.45, went and had a warm by the fire, then back to hut. 12.30 went to dinner, had mutton, potatoes, greens. Currant pud, then prepared to come off. Dismissed and made bed. Got things out ready to go to Rodwell. Was cycling along and skidded on ice. Went down bang and slid along road. Doris met me top of road. Had a warm by fire then got Lyn up. She was much better. Had tea, soda bread, hot buns, jam, biscuits, sandwich sponge, very nice. Put Lyn to bed, read to her and came down to sit by fire. Had a good warm, listened to 9 o'clock news. Went to supper, had 2 mugs of cocoa and biscuits and cheese. Also changed clothes, got ready to go back to camp. Kidlet came up to the drive gate. Got home 11.30. Made fires up. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did all usual jobs. very, very cold today. Lyn a tiny bit grizzly today but quite all right. Dinner very late but flew around, washed and changed and met Bill. It is nice to see him. Too cold to go to the village but sat round the fire. Put Lyn to bed and read her a story and cuddled her. Bill changed his clothes. Sat round the dining room fire on our own. Just did nothing really. I coloured two or three pictures in Lyn's book. Very, very cold. What a real DEAR husband Bill is to cycle 14 miles on a night like this. I do hope he gets back safely. Bed now 10.43 pm.

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