Friday, 20 January 2012

Tuesday 20th January


Woke up 7 am and got up feeling cold. Heavy drifts of snow. Went to breakfast, had bacon and beans, porridge. Put overalls on and gum boots. Went digging out cars and clearing roads. Had a cup of tea at *** YMCA. Bought  two Mars, saved them for Kidlet. Came back and got ready for khaki battle dress. Had dinner, meat, greens and potatoes, prunes and custard. 1.20 went on parade for clothes. Took old jacket and trousers, took out letters Kidlet wrote to me when I first joined up. I intended them to stay there until demobbed but fate rules otherwise. Got battle dress over ****. Trousers much too big but jacket ok. 1.15 parade for main guard. Rang up Doris. She was well but doubtful if I could get over to see her tomorrow. Went up for tea, had bread and butter and pie, hot, and cream swiss roll. Very nice. Had two pieces. Going on  last shift. Went up and put gum boots on. 17.30 went on guard. Very cold. Did two hours, came in 9.30 and had supper then went up to fetch blanket. Made bed and had a warm, then got down for1 1/2 hours sleep. Still  very cold outside. A dull night.


Rodwell. Up usual time and did all usual jobs. Girls didn't go to school as the snow was too bad. Lyn played out with them a little while but got too cold. Hurt her head, quite a nasty gash. Bill rang up at dinner time. He gets battledress today - khaki. Finished Anne's frock all except sewing it up. Wrote to Mother and dad this evening. Started Anne's knickers. Bill Cook's brother has come on embarkation leave and is going to stay here. Had supper and off to bed 10.00. No Bill tonight as he's on Main Guard.

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