Saturday 7 January 2012

Wednesday 7th January


7.00 up. 7.30 dressed and made bed. Very frosty outside. Had bacon on toast for breakfast, also porridge. We sick and marched others over to M*centre at Yatesbury. Had cup of tea in naaf then back dismissed squad. Went into Sgt L. Fish's office to do roster for huts. Started work in hut getting out draught. Had dinner. Rang Doris up. She still had cold.Lyn much better. Felt relieved.Went back and started work, continued till 1/4 to five. Had tea beans on toast, current bread. Went back to more work ****. Had supper baked potatoes, brawn and cocoa cherry beer. 8'oclock rang Doris up. She seemed bright. Lyn much better. She made me promise no cards and in bed by ten. 8.45 getting in to bed. Milder weather. Goodnight.


Rodwell. Up usual time. Felt a bit better and Lyn definitely better. Ivy sent her gloves, lovely. Ironed all the am and most of the afternoon too, then did some of my washing with Lyn's help. Bill rang up dinner tme. He felt better but had been to the doctor for some medicine. Round the fire alone this evening. Bill rang up 8.00 pm.How I love to hear his voice. he was quite all right so all round I feel much happier. Had supper 'treet's pint of milk. So to bed 10.20 pm. Good Night.

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