Friday, 13 January 2012

Tuesday 13th January


Got out of bed 6.40. It is snowing and sleet outside, also very windy. Cleaned buttons and went to breakfast, Bacon, beans and porridge. Started to draw out letters. It is still sleeting down. I am glad I did not have to go out. 10.00 had a cup of tea. Hands very cold even b y fire. Went to dinner and had meat, potatoes, carrots and  turnips, brad pudding and custard. Very nice. On with the job after ringing up Doris. She was well well and Lyn much better too. I was very pleased to hear it. Went back and started work about 1.45. Painting in letters till four ten, then went to tea. Had brawn and meat roll, beetroot and currant bread. Came back and toasted the bread, very nice indeed. Had a good warm and listened to wireless. Very sorry that G Gill is taking it home with him. We shall miss the boys when they are gone. Had a game of droughts with C. Kelly. I won most of them. 7 pm went to supper, had pie, potatoes and cocoa. Felt very thirsty so bought a cream soda. Came back to hut. Snowing outside. Must ring Doris up at 8 o'clock. 8.30 rang up Doris. Lyn was better also Doris. I felt very pleased about it. Had a game of pontoon, about even. Had a **** **** hand. Made a piece of toast, Had cheese with it. Good night.


Rodwell. Up usual time and all usual jobs. Lyn much, much better. Played nicely all the morning and ate all her dinner. Got Lyn up and played with her, with her letters till tea time. Put her to bed, then wrote home and to D. H. Evans for a catalogue. Took Ivy's petrol blue frock to pieces to shorten it for myself. Bill rang up at 8.30. Nice to hear him and to know all was well. Supper and now to bed and I feel tired too. 10.05 pm. G. night.

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